ondraayyy's Forum Posts

  • Aphrodite already did, I hope they will not charge all the three credit cards that I used, else that'll be another problem for me, I don't wanna dial the other 2 banks to decline the transaction, doubt i have the time for that

  • Nesteris oh crap, is there anyway I can refund it?

  • well in that case will Scirra charge me for all my 3 credit cards?

  • games I already did but they haven't responded yet, thanks for getting back at me though.

  • I tried buying the personal edition with 3 different credit cards and everytime I click "Purchase" it only gives me the "green tick" but it doesn't take me to the next page, can someone help me out?

  • gamesura That's actually kind of complicated. Do you have any idea on how to decrypt the key that is stored on my IPA file?

  • gamesura I am pretty sure that method is only for C2 Games published on the internet? Correct me if I'm wrong becus it says "browser URL" and I'm pretty iOS apps doesn't use browser URL unless I upload it to a web app server, which is not what I'm going to do. But anyway, I appreciate your help, another thing that I can learn

  • Kyatric firezombie444 I already read the manual article on IAP even before I posted this thread, but I figured out that I can't test the IAP plugin in browser, so I guess I'm getting the personal edition and download the game to my iPhone and see it for myself. Thanks for getting back at me though.

  • Hi, just a quick question as stated in the topic title...

    So basically, I am working on a game where the character have live on it. I know hackers can hack the global variable value for the character "Life". If so, I'm really worried about publishing my apps to the App Store, Android Market, etc. So, is there a way where I can attach an anti-hack/bypass system for my game to be published on the mobile stores? I'm a new construct 2 developer, if anyone could kindly help me out, that would be greatly appreciated.

  • basti does that mean I have to buy the personal edition in order for me to actually publish the app to my iPhone?

  • Anyone else have the same problem as me? I can't seem to get the IAP to work in my game even if its already on Test mode. I am not sure if it's my event sheet but I'm pretty sure I did it right. I added the productID and request store listing on the Start of Layout.

    The idea is, whenever the character dies, in which case it's the dog, the player can continue the game by paying.

    Can someone here help me figure it out please?

  • Hi, I need online teacher to help me out with the game that I'm making, basically just teaching me stuffs like using the In-App Purchase for iOS, Google Phone and windows phone, if somebody can help me out kindly, feel free to drop me a PM or reply me here. Thanks

  • Try Construct 3

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  • bump

  • So basically, I read the tutorials on how to attach the IAP plugin into your game. But I am having problem with activating the product when it's already been purchased.

    So basically the idea of the game is to reach the bone at the end of it. I added an option where players can "Continue" the game by paying-to-Continue. I tried using the test mode, and even deleted the "IAP plugin" just to test if the "Continue" button works or not, and it actually works without the "IAP" plugin. But when I attach the "IAP" plugin where I am suppose to "request store listing" at the start of the game layout, etc... It still doesnt work, it's been hours since I've tried to figure this out.

    So, if anyone can help me out by taking a look at the game event sheet under the "Buttons (IAP)" group section where I attached some of the IAP events and conditions, that would be greatly appreciated, I'm new to this and I'm confused where did I went wrong. Below is the .capx file where you can download the game. Thanks, your help would be greatly appreciated.

    https : / / www . dropbox . com / s / 8lv08blcpvckj45 / Catch%20the%20Bone.capx? dl =0

    I can't upload the attachment and therefore I uploaded it to my dropbox file, do note that I separated the links with some spaces because I can't posts URL as my rep is under 300.

  • lennaert thanks for the pointer, I fixed that by putting a text to "drag the dog to launch it"