ondraayyy's Forum Posts

  • Joannesalfa I guess I'll wait, I don't wanna mess up the plugin cause I'm not good with programming, looking forward to your next update mate.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • gumshoe2029 Erm my game will not be on the browser, it will be on the App Store. Will it be safe if its for the iOS Devices?

  • If your game is mostly single player and not super popular, I would not worry too much about a small percentage of potential "hackers".

    o data on a PC connected to the internet is safe per se.

    mindfaQ I believe there's gonna be quite alot of people playing it when I get it up on the App Store. Just being optimist here if you don't mind.

    Anyway I read the tutorial provided by Kyatric, and downloaded the MD5 Plugin that was made by him

    Basically this is what I did. The "TotalBones" "Goldcoins" and "ShieldSinglePlayer" are some of the currencies in the game, am I doing it right?

    P/S: I don't know any programming language and I'm still new to construct 2, been only using it for about a month and a half now. Pardon me for begging your help

  • gumshoe2029 thats a good idea, but my question is, is there a way I can do that in construct 2?

  • newt hahaha, you sir got some sense of humour, haha.

    DatapawWolf Does that mean I have to learn about coding so I can turn the local value or global variable into letters?

  • mitchellfranklin if it is really the engine output from Construct 2, I really hope they will get to the bottom of this. It's been days since I am stuck here and I've made so much time investment researching, learning to make this game work. The game completion progress is at 80% now and yet I still can't get it to run on my testing device, despite the fact that I've recompiled the file using Ludei many times and also using IntelXDK many times.

  • ludei here is the test case

    Compiler Version : 2.1.1

    · Other browsers tested: Chrome

    · Device info: iPhone 5

    · Component:

    · Basic description of the problem

    Black screen after the splash screen

    · What steps will reproduce the problem?

    1. Retina 4-inch support Missing. Default 568h@2x.png launch image"

    I fixed the first error by dragging and dropping the asset image to the launch image folder

    Step two "Info.plist Utility warning. User supplied UIDeviceFamily key in the info.plist will be overwritten. Please use the build setting TARGETEDDEVICEFAMILY and remove UIDeviceFamily from your Info.plist."

    Fixed this too, turned out all I have to do was just to remove the UIDeviceFamily from the build tab

    · What is the expected result?

    I thought when I fixed both the issue and the xCode doesn't show any more of these two errors, the app will launch like how its suppose to run using the preview over wi-fi

    · What happens instead?

    Still showing black screen.

    · Links to downloadable files:

    CAPX File : https://www.dropbox.com/s/zpg4tqvk5m23w ... aproj?dl=0

    .xcodeproj original file : http://bit.ly/1AED8pO

    Not sure where could the problem be, either the .xcodeproj file or in the .capx file

  • Can it be uploaded to one of the album that I created? Joannesalfa

  • Does this work for iOS compiled with CocoonJS/Ludei?

  • kaiko basically I made a game to be distributed to the App Store, where there's two currencies in the game. "Coins" and "Bones".

    I saw a video on youtube where an app can hack games like Temple Run, etc. Basically all the user have to do is download its app and user can change the value of the game currency by simply typing the amount of value that the user wants and tap "Enter". Yes as easy as A-B-C even my grandma could use the app.

    So my goal is, I want to find a solution to this. Because I know the webstorage plugin only stores the "local key value" in the game. So is there any solution to make it harder to hack?

    P/S: I don't know any programming language. So please translate your "coding" language in "english"

  • Simple question. As stated in the title, how do I that? Do I have to learn about PHP and MySQL?

  • Took me hours and hours of figuring out how do I fix this problem, I am not a programmer, I don't have any programming language skill. So therefore I need help from somebody to translate the device log for me so I could find a solution.

    All the images that I used in the required assets are in PNG. I even tested it using the CocoonJS launcher on my iPhone and it gave me these errors.

    http://pastebin.com/HKqMyeji That's the link for the device log

  • AlexeyMak try using Shou, google or youtube it, works for me everytime... Easy to use too.

  • ludei I am having the same problem as well, when I launch the app, the ludei picture appeared but after that, it's all black on the screen


  • BUMP, anyone can help me out with this?