ondraayyy's Forum Posts

  • Hi I'm creating a game for iOs devices. Basically what I want to do is Upload an image to the specified "App Folder" which I've created on dropbox.

    But everytime I previewed my game on Chrome, it doesn't work for me, what I meant is it only takes me to the Authorization page and everytime I click allow it doesn't take me to the next layout.

    e.g "Test App would like access to its own folder, Apps › Test App, inside your Dropbox."

    I've downloaded the plugin for Dropbox, followed the tutorial https://www.scirra.com/forum/plugin-dropbox_t77755

    Entered the APP key, Secret key and the Encoded the API key. Everything seems right, but why doesn't it take me to the next page?

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  • Basically 4 players starts off on the left side of the screen, races each there by flying to the left side of the screen while avoiding flying rocks along the way...

  • I dropped you a PM btw with a link in it...

  • wow, I really appreciate your effort man, can't describe how happy I am knowing someone would do this for me. I tested the plugin by attaching it to the event sheets of the game that I'm currently developing, on the iPhone and my PC and I can't tell you how happy I am with your kindness to help me out figuring this stuff out. Although I've got a few stuffs that I wanna point out about your plugin after I tested it on the PC using Chrome and on the iPhone 5 iOS8+ using preview over Wi-Fi....

    1) There is a huge FPS drop (PC and iPhone) when I test your plugin on the game that I'm currently developing.

    2) When the screen is recording on the iPhone using preview over Wi-Fi the entire iphone screen keeps flashing black.

    Really hope you can fix it...

  • It doesn't really matter that the record plugin would work or not if the app is running or down. But I guess it would be better if the video recording will work only when my app is running... The idea is..

    In the Main Menu there will be a "play" button

    So whenever the player clicks the play button, it takes the player to go to the game layout


    "On start of game Layout" > Start recording the screen (360p quality and lowest audio quality) so it doesn't take up space

    However when player decides to restart the game, which is... "On Restart Button tapped" > Stop recording screen, Restart layout

    Or... When the "player reaches the objective" > Stop recording screen, save the video to Camera Roll in 360p quality and lowest audio quality)

    I think it would be better if you take a look at my game so you would understand what I am trying to point out and why do I need this video plugin. If you think you can help me out with this, I'll send you a video file that I recorded for my game and I'll guide you through in that video

    I appreciate your time trying to help though. haha

  • Hmm... There is another idea that I've been thinking about though, that is using the canvas snapshot and AJAX plugin to upload the snapshot of the canvas to my server, but the thing is, I'm not sure if AJAX plugin works with iOS, Android or windows phone devices. Does it??

  • what I meant was a plugin to record iOS devices I can show you example if you want like this app here.

  • Just as the title says, because I can't make my game work without this plugin. Here's my e-mail or just drop me a PM here, thanks.

  • pinoypixel Yeah, that's what I thought too, to use the snapshot canvas til I can figure out the video recording plugin. Guess I have to figure out on how to create a server now....

  • I don't know if it is possible but I've used an application on the iOS it's called "Shou" basically what it does is, it records the screen on your iPhone. I know what you're thinking, that's probably gonna cost some lags for the game. The answer is no, I tried recording my game with "Shou" and it doesn't lag as long as the video output format is 360p or below (tested my game on an iPhone5 with the recorder running).

    Basically, I've been pulling hair searching for a plugin that would allow construct 2 to record my game (unfortunately I couldn't find one). Because my game is involved with real money and I'm afraid people might hack the game and they can just claim the cash, without sending me proof that they won the game without hacking it. I'm trying to figure it out if it's possible whenever the player clicks the "Play" button on the main menu, the action is "record the gameplay in 360p quality" & if the player "restarts the game", then the video recorder "stops the video recording" and "re-record the gameplay again".

    I am not sure if it's possible, but Unity has this custom plugin so I assume someone out there has this plugin too. What I need to know is, is it possible? If it is, how can I achieve so...

  • LittleStain actually, I never thought of that, thanks... problem solved

  • I was wondering if it's possible if I could make my game saving players level, EXP and money by saving it using Game Center. For an example, I noticed game like Clash of Clans, the developer make each player logs in the game using Game Center and once the player logged in, the saved Level, Building positions, Gold, elixir is there, is it possible to do so?

    I've been looking for tutorials like this, but I could only find saving the database using MySQL & PHP which in my case, I am a new game developer using Construct 2 and I don't understand how to use MYSQL and PHP.

  • Do you mind if i join?

  • Yes, I've read the tutorials by Ashley about the multiplayer object. I understood the whole concept of multiplayer, syncing the objects, associate peers with the object that they have to control, sending the inputs to the host, etcetc.

    The problem is, I've been working on a game for the iOS and I've been trying to figure out the multiplayer object on my game, but I can't seem to make it work, because the concept of my game is way different than the ones in the tutorial (Real Time & Pong). So that confuses me alot, because the way that the character is controlled in my game is different, etcetc.

    If someone can teach me online (skype), I'll be more than happy to even pay you hourly. Let me know here if you are interested.

  • It's been 3 days and I haven't got any respond from the scirra support team.