ondraayyy's Forum Posts

  • BabelChild I found a solution to it. Did you "add product ID & Request store listing?"

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  • adagar no problem. laoniustudio you should probably follow this step too.

  • If anyone here are experiencing the same problem like adagar & laoniustudio try installing your app using TestFlight. Instead of installing the .IPA file right away to your iOS Device through iTunes.

    You can download TestFlight on the AppStore, and download your app through testflight, but in order to do this, you need to have "Application Loader" in a Mac OS.

    Open up "Application Loader" upload your compiled .IPA file. This process will upload your .IPA file to your iTunes Connect.

    Once it's uploaded in iTunes Connect go to "My Apps" click your Apps, click "Releases" then add your email to the "Internal Testers" list and enable the "TestFlight" options in your desired build.

    Once its enabled, go to your email address (with your iOS Device) and click the link provided by itunes connect in your email inbox, it should be downloading your app.

    The method above is the RECOMMENDED method by Apple instead of installing it manually from iTunes.

    If this still doesn't work then there must be something wrong with your build settings in IntelXDK or C2 Project Settings.

  • If anyone here are experiencing the same problem like adagar & laoniustudio try installing your app using TestFlight. Instead of installing the .IPA file right away to your iOS Device through iTunes.

    You can download TestFlight on the AppStore, and download your app through testflight, but in order to do this, you need to have "Application Loader" in a Mac OS.

    Open up "Application Loader" upload your compiled .IPA file. This process will upload your .IPA file to your iTunes Connect.

    Once it's uploaded in iTunes Connect go to "My Apps" click your Apps, click "Releases" then add your email to the "Internal Testers" list and enable the "TestFlight" options in your desired build.

    Once its enabled, go to your email address (with your iOS Device) and click the link provided by itunes connect in your email inbox, it should be downloading your app.

    The method above is the RECOMMENDED method by Apple instead of installing it manually from iTunes.

    If this still doesn't work then there must be something wrong with your build settings in IntelXDK or C2 Project Settings.

  • > LittleStain haha what a shame, I didn't know it was an expression, can you simplify it by providing a screenshot or something?


    there is not much to simplify..

    system every tick

    > set score : floor(player.x/7.2)

    It's as simple as that..

    Thanks, I'll try it out soon

  • LittleStain haha what a shame, I didn't know it was an expression, can you simplify it by providing a screenshot or something?

  • The player character is flying, it doesn't run on the floor... So instead of "floor" what do I use?

  • So, the idea is the score is based on percentage...

    The layout width is 720 and for every 7.2 (since it is the 1% of 720) Layout width that is travelled by the player, the score gets added by 1%.

    I made a really tall invisible and thin pillar sprite for every 7.2 layout width, so whenever the player hits that sprite, the score gets added by 1%, which means I add 100 sprite, so whenever the player hits that sprite, the score gets added.

    It worked, but unfortunately, I noticed that when I did that, the game really lags as it is developed for mobile games & I am trying to keep the objects/sprites below 80 so the game won't cause any lag in player mobile device.

    Anyone got a solution for this?

  • Terrific post. This will be pivotal in my decision whether to purchase C2 or not. Curious they shy away from this topic as much as they do. Thanks again!

    No problem, good luck with your project mate.

  • laoniustudio never happened to me... Can you download teamviewer? I'll help you through remote access when I have the time.

  • laoniustudio If you are using AD Hoc Provisioning Profile, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you are suppose to add your device UDID to the certificate before you start testing it on the iPhone.

  • laoniustudio there must be something you're doing wrong. Do you have teamviewer??

  • laoniustudio Did you upload all of the icon image in the Intel XDK Build settings?

  • ondraayyy when I sync my app through itune to my ipad, the game icon on my ipad is grey, can not open, every time I click it it shows Installing..., do you have any idea?

    Can you provide me a screenshot of it?

  • paala When is it gonna be out? Let me know soon, thanks.