In need of game tester & C2 programmer in my team [PAID]

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  • Hey constructers,

    My name is Andre and I'm from Indonesia and I've been developing a game using Construct 2, which I've picked up the skills for about 2 months now and I've been developing a game for the iOS device.

    As stated in the topic title, I need someone who are familiar with the multiplayer object in Construct 2. The single player mode of the game is done and I need someone to work with me to create the multiplayer mode for this game. I've thought of the idea but the thing is, I am not that familiar with the multiplayer object.

    I've had some people who worked with me on this game but they are not putting enough effort to make it work, I've to say that 95% of the work for this game had been done by me. So I need someone who are willing to put in hours everyday to skype with me, discussing, working on this game together, and I promise you, you'll get the best return once the multiplayer mode is done. If you are interested, drop me a PM with this format

    Name :

    Age :

    Country :

    English Skill from the scale of 1 - 5 : 1 (Poor) - 5 (Very fluent)

    How long have you been using construct 2 :

    Have you developed any game before :

    Your programming experience :

    How many days can you skype with me in a week :

    How many hours in those days can you skype with me :

    Why do you want to join the team :

    As for the testers, if you'd like to help, drop me a PM or reply me here with your Apple ID, so I can send you the invitation to test the game, then the next step make sure you download the "TestFlight" App on the App Store. Then wait for another email to download the game, there will be a link for you to tap that will redirect you to your testflight App, then the game will be downloaded.

    As for the single player mode, I would say it is 90% done. The other 10% could be covered by users feedback to make the game better, so I hope that there are people out there who are willing to help me. Thanks for reading.

    P/S: I am not paying the game testers

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