newt's Forum Posts

  • Ok cool, hopefully it's just something left out like the platform stuff, but you never know.

    BTW yeah you can copy the old version, and it works fine.

  • Great release, but I'm getting an error with the bone movement plugin. "Failed to load plugin BoneMov.csx" Anyone else?


    You want to post it to the tracker?

  • Not sure what the question is.

    Any way there is an inherent problem with collision checking for a melee set up. The problem is that since your using v-sync there is a chance that a collision may not be detected. This could be a real issue since your close to the target. One way to deal with this is to not use collision detection at all. Instead you can compare the distance between them, and trigger an animation that is the attack.

    The thing is, is that since your right next to the object your pretty much guaranteed to hit it, and then if you want the chance of a miss just check and see if a random percentage is true. If the comparison to a random number is true then set it to do damage to the object.

  • I got tired of waiting for a Crocodile Dundee reference, so i made one myself.

    Welcome back from walkabout Davo!

  • Oh I see, its not deleting it, but it is copying it, that and removing it from the selection.

    Sorry thought it was working correctly.

  • I know it's a very minor thing, but it still annoys me to see that the CTRL-X command (Cut) is still working as a "copy" command. I use it a lot, and I'd love to see it fixed...

    Gamma cut means delete the object, and copy it to memory. Useful for moving objects from layout, to layout, layer to layer...

    Just use the delete button.

  • The addition of a z setting for tiled backgrounds should be cool for doing maps.

    Probably pretty good for first person shooters too.

  • Yes I have, but let's have an example - in my little shmup a scale effect might be used for the following things - impact sparks, powerups, damaged enemy ships, active enemy ships, explosion parts, background items and something more I quite possibly haven't thought up yet. Each of those may have several sub categories which require different scaling, etc.

    So how many families was that already?

    It's not that I don't know how to use it - the little example showed that it can work just fine ( with events alone, but it's NOT easy and straightforward. Which is always a plus

    Following the same logic - why are there a Rotate or Fade behaviors - easy to do with events as well. But so much faster to just throw them in.

    You really dont need bunch of families, you can give each object as many private variables as you need.

    Also alot of users wont use rotate, or fade because they are so limited.

    plus fade, is.. well not that intuitive... "do I start the fade, or do I set it activated?"

  • Have you used families yet?

    True Construct can do things quite well from an object oriented point of view, but it can be even easier from an event orientation.

    family.value = 5

    --family set height to lerp(family.height, 200, 1-0.5^timedelta)

    --family set widthto lerp(family.width, 200, 1-0.5^timedelta)

    family.height = 200

    --family destroy

  • >

    > > so why not ported this for Construct to.

    > >


    > Because that's a ton of work.


    > And because Construct is a 2D game maker.


    "Game Maker" is a 2D game maker too.

    <--- Runs off to make the next Crysis with Gamemaker... oh wait.

  • > Perhaps a Loop setting, for pulsing things.


    But the sine behavior already does this really well?

    Yes sine works quite well, in fact you can use it to do all you've suggested by just comparing a dimension.

    You might want to have a tick for use current height/ width, or use original height/ width.

    I'd say that's starting to look like feature luggage (as a user you already set the size so you probably want it at that size and then scaled in proportion to that size) - it'd be nice to have it real clean and tight, just like the Fade behavior (yeah, I like it ). But then again it's all up to linkman right now. And any version would be great anyway.

    Why would you want a behavior, that cant do what events can with just a few lines?

  • You might want to have a tick for use current height/ width, or use original height/ width.

    Like it or not when you scale up things will get blurry at some point. You can deal with this by making the original a few sizes to big, and then scaling it down in the editor.

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  • You have access to all objects, global only brings its current state to the next layout.

    So yes you can paste objects, and no objects that are not global will not change when edited in another layout. To test this make two layouts, add mouse& keyboard to one, then go to the other, and do the same, the second should say mouse& keyboard2, that means its not an instance, but another object. Then you can try just pasting....

  • Id say you'd want a setting for min, and max, as well as starting increment, you know up, or down.

    The question is are you going to make it like sine, so that it can work as a wave, or will it just be one cycle?

    Also are you just going to do size, or do you want to include angle, opacity, x, and y, etc?

  • Smooth man, nice and smooth.