it just seems like your overcomplicated things to far here.
My overcomplicated things to far? *puzzled expression*
Ok, grammar naziing aside - the idea is to simplify things. At least for people who don't feel like using events for EVERYTHING just because they can.
that would take me all but 2 seconds to set up, and it took me 2 seconds to figure out aswell. Im not against making things easy but i absolutely cant stand it when people use that as an excuse for not thinking for themselves in really easy places. you don't want people to constantly be helping you with things, and be pinned down by the behaviors that construct supplies you with. your just cookiecutterizing things for yourself. and in this case a behavior isn't as useful as your making it out to be anyways, linear scaling is sooo easy to do, it takes 2 actions.
I believe if you had taken a look at the example I posted earlier - which was made using only events with timedelta, etc. - you'd understand that I CAN *surprise* figure it out just fine, it just gets in the way when it's a small part of something bigger.
Perhaps to you an explosion is just a single or a couple of sprites being scaled up. And you make it, adjust that value 2 or 3 times and are happy with it. Me, I'm an explosion freak, for example - they have several elements, working together to produce the desired effect. I'd prefer not to jump into events every time there's a need to tweak something. Use a behavior, set the size, test, adjust, done.
I mean if coding was the focus here might as well go straight for a programming language - there's plenty to go around, even for games, these days.
I don't think it's too bad an idea. It's more about convenience and simplicity. Sure the events are dead easy, but in many cases it's just convenient, especially if you're already several subevents deep and need to trigger a scale - having some extra calculations there, or setting some kind of flag to start off a scale, would harm readability. The Fade behavior is a good example - it's trivial to set up in events, but if you use a lot of fades, having the behavior is handy. You can set it up from the layout editor/object properties, it triggers events for you like On Fade Finished, and takes care of timedelta for you too.
Exactly! The boss has spoken.
What I don't get is this strong opposition. There's basic events for most things in Construct except for scale so far: Fade, Rotation, Bullet Movement - all very simple as well - will someone want to throw them out next?