Download Construct 0.99.83 (unstable)
This is an
unstable build. You can help Construct's development by downloading it, trying it out, testing and reporting bugs. If you have projects you want to work on without possible bugs getting in the way, stick to stable builds.
Link to previous build (0.99.82) changelog
This is an unfinished build so is unlikely to be a stable candidate. I think Davo has moved and I haven't been able to get through to him for a while, and these fixes have been sitting around, so I'm releasing them for testing in the meanwhile. I don't think we've fixed absolutely everything we wanted to get done for the next build, but give it a try and see if we missed anything.
Event Sheet Editor
[FIX] - Fixed dragging events disappearing in the situation where an object was refered to a paramer (eg. System Compare Sprite.X < 0)
[FIX] - System object "object overlaps/collides with point" displayed parameters incorrectly (even though it functioned correctly)
[FIX] - Platform Movement - Been working really hard on bug checking it. This version should be even more stable.
[FIX] - Physics 'Set immovable' and 'Set rotations disabled' had inverted logic (set immovable would set movable etc). The names have been switched around to reflect what it's really doing (only the names have changed, not the functionality, caps won't need changing)
[ADD] - Tiled background now has z elevation like sprite does
[FIX] - Plasma renders the 'cuttoff' correctly like the 0.98.x versions
[FIX] - Messagebox: 'Compare ID' took no parameter
[FIX] - Array: Compare conditions didn't work properly with one of the coordinates being 1
[FIX] - Fine collision against box collision was calculated incorrectly.
[CHANGE] - Changed some family code back which fixes the issues people have been having with families in recent builds. However, this probably reopens a bug with the Family.Count expression returning incorrect counts. This will be left as a known issue for the time being since it is a less severe problem.
[FIX] - The pixelHeight parameter passed to shaders was calculated incorrectly sometimes.
[FIX] - A lot of effects (20) have been modified to support alpha testing. This means if you have a 3d box thats coming out of the water and you apply a distortion effect to that water, the part of the 3d box that emerges out of the water wont be affected.