newt's Forum Posts

  • The answer is there really is no collision event. The movement was designed to make sure that npc, and player movement could be controlled by not allowing object to go over other objects with the solid attribute... well at least not unless you force it to like in the second layout.

  • No its not broken. It just doesn't do what you want it to. All it is is a movement, and that's all it does.

    There are basically four ways to do what you want.

    1. An on collision event

    This is a trigger once event, meaning it wont trigger it again even if the objects are overlapping.

    2. An overlapping event

    This is a continuous event, meaning the it will trigger as long as the objects are overlapping.

    3.An overlapping at offset event

    Same as overlapping, but it only checks one side x, and y. If you want it to check on all 4 sides you will need to add additional conditions for positive x, negative x, positive y, and negative y.

    4. Distance(x1,x2,y1,y2) Distance between points

    This isn't an event, but an expression. You can use it in a comparison to tell the distance between objects.


    system compare distance(sprite1.x,sprite1.y,sprite2.x,sprite2.y) < 32

    -> do this

  • Im getting something like that on rotation with zooming when it gets to 200%.

  • On Jamendo you want CC license number 3. Free to use as long as credit is given.

    This should take you there:

    This guy also has some good stuff, and a similar license (credit given)

    Its where I got the music for the demo I submitted.

    Also Sprach Zarathustra.mp3 by "Kevin MacLeod".

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  • Are you trying to load different images to the same sprite frame?

    If you want multiple instances with different images you have to add multiple frames to the specific sprite, then change to a different frame when loading.

    Just setting a private variable wont help unless you do something like compare private variable-> set frame

    BTW sprite has a function for this already "Load animation frame from file".

  • Yeah, should be a great addition. Thanks

  • Will only one person create and edit the video? Or everyone can try to make his own version of the showreel?

    I've previously worked in an advertising agency, made video ads and presentation films. And I have some ideas about what the final video should be. <img src="">

    Well you certainly have the eye.

    And it looks like we have a volunteer.

  • Actually the control states are defined in preferences, down at the bottom. You can use the predefined ones like "Move Left(p1)" or define your own.

    Something like:

    + MouseKeyboard: Player 1 "Move Left" is down

    -> Sprite: Set X to Sprite.X+1

    Would move sprite to the right instead of to the left, or how ever you want it.

    Note: you can also use control states as Boolean comparisons, as either 1 or 0.

  • K.I.S.S.





  • Object:Sprite


    Effect:... so hard to pick, either Colored Outline, or Heightmap Plus

  • Spent hours as a kid on this thing.

    <img src="">

  • A small suggestion.

    Perhaps the vid should be split up into two parts. The first part could show off demos/ effects, while having the theme music, then the second could be all the games with their own sound.

    The question is whats available, and whats needed for the demo part?

  • I think in this case you might be better off trying to replicate the bug, and reporting it to the tracker.

    Truth is its probably not that hard to make up your own movement, but there's no point in having the behavior if it doesn't work correctly.