Mystwalker's Forum Posts

  • So, did you already made it, or is it still on the to-do-list? :) I want to make an RPG, so this system is very important for me. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    He said it's not done yet, but will do, which sounds like a life saver for me too, since I am creating an RPG as well.

  • I would think, as long as you keep yer game running from a server, you'll be fine. Not sure though. But security in games is rather kind of obsolete, it's always gonna get hacked if people take the time and effort to do so. I'm sure new security measures will be implemented in time.

  • That's why you make a new version every day. Sometimes more than one per day. I've got hundreds of old versions, and I've needed to use them a few times. Using this method, if the .cap gets messed up, it's only a day's lost work. Hard drive space is plentiful and cheap - use it.

    Making an RPG in CC myself though, I really, really recommend you use C2. Faster compile times, easier code reusability, more platforms to export to, less bugs and quirks to work around, better workflow, and by the time you manage to finish it, there's a good chance a native EXE exporter will have been out for a while since RPGs take so long to make. If scirra doesn't make a native EXE exporter, someone else will.

    Arima: I see, so yer opinion is that I go ahead and use C2... I do like C2 a lot. If anything I find it more intuitive? plus I feel more confident using it, since I have been following it since its birth. I just did not know if would be able to handle a JRPG. I have been to yer site a few times and looked around, yer game looks so nice. Hope you finish it sometime, and thank you.

  • Very nice!

  • I eagerly await said capx file explaining high score tables and the like :p


  • Vamp: it does the same thing locally and on dropbox also on another private ftp but in preview it works fine.

    Yeah, the problem it's quite peculiar and it sounds very similar to mine. I wonder what it is. I found it very odd events just strop working.

  • Maybe this gives new hope for my project...

  • I had this same problem too. I posted like 2 weeks ago. It never happened while I run the index.html from MY computer directly, this happened while previewing and when I uploaded it to my own server. Then I uploaded it to Dropbox and it worked fine. It's really odd, I really do want to use my own server...

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  • Thanks for the heads up. I'll just have to be careful not click so fast in and out of the menu.

  • I think he means that he can't open his game for editing anymore Soldjah D=

    Okay, this kind of scared me. I was told from the C2 forum to use CC for my game, because weird enough, C2 it doesn't have an EXE export and the plans for it are so far away that I don't know if it ever will and I want my game as an EXE, cos of the nature of it. JRPG style, "World Map" layout (quite big...), many locations, many menus, battle system layout... you get the idea. After seeing things like this, I just get kind of scared to start anything. A game like this, deep in dev., you cannot just simply happily start it over.

    EDIT: Game is 2D of course.

  • Well, yes. But this wasn't the icon, it was the File menu, where you Open, Save, Export, etc..? I don't think I've used an application that closed by double clicking the file menu?

  • I double clicked on the "File" menu at the top left and C2 closed... I dunno if this intentionally intended or it's an over looked bug. Did it several times, it just closes.

  • Using that logic, you could say that making a game in C2 is not actual game-making, because you are using code someone else made.

    Not quite. The same could be said about all high level and OOP languages with yer logic then. Just for an example, C2 did NOT make a main menu system for me, that logic is up to me, and believe me, is not a easy task to make a RPG main menu. Side view battle system, C2 did not do this for me, it offered me a great canvas to work with, not the logic itself. Both these elements, are two of the hardest to code you will come across.

    Like I said before; I am not against the market place itself, since I understand art is not something you can just learn. I know this, I have tried to make sprites for characters and for me is no use, I just do not have it in me, all else I can do. How I feel against templates is personal I guess, I just do not like it and do not condone it. But as long as this does not ruin this place, I could ignore it.

  • So why is there an issue with using a template? Myself, I think it's a brilliant idea.

    Actually I was talking about CREATING a game, using a TOOL. This...:

    I just came from the Mac Gamesalad forums where you can buy templates for a few dollars and then just change the graphics, add levels, music etc. not game making, someone else made the game for you, you are just editing it. The logic isn't yers, it's someone else's, sort of like reverse engineering a ROM of a game with a tool for such purpose. I'm against it, on a personal level, of course. But as long as this does not affect the support of the forums, I do not care. By making this a reality, I suppose I envisioned restrictions being put into motion on the forums. Like, they could restrict us on posting certain examples and such, so people will buy them instead. Plain and simple, that would really stink.

  • Trevor10: Not everybody has the time and resources to learn a programming language and put up with all the complications that arise from such practice. The first approach I think everybody has, is to learn some language, I did this at first, but life throws things at you that are more important than learning a language, so people think you are something else cos you prefer to type more than clicking.

    In the end, all that matters is the logic behind the game. Logic is still logic, whether you use super-ultra-cool C++, MMF, GM, RM, CC, or C2.