MrClifford's Forum Posts

  • Put your HUD/UI items on a new layer and change the parallax to 0,0. Make sure your HUD/UI layer is higher than your background and game sprite layers

    And keep your HUD/UI within the viewport

  • Make sure you have created a sub event under the first condition (right click player is overlapping event: add subevent), you won't get the option if you are just trying to add a normal event to the player overlapping condition

  • Quick and simple way is to create a family of all objects that you can go behind.


    Player - is overlapping Family

    (Sub event)

    Family - pick nearest to player.x/y

    Set opacity to 50

    Else - Family set opacity to 100

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  • And yes forgot to mention for some reason (I'm not sure about) the steam_appid.txt file needs to be saved as ANSI

  • 2 things: With the spacebar down, your adding 1 to ChargeTime every tick the spacebars down, this will mean the ChargeTime variable fly's up very quickly and your code is set to less than/equal to 60, so chances are the variables going to be above 60 and not call the next code. Looks like it should be more than/equal to 60.

    Secondly, assuming the spacebar is released and the ChargeTime variable is over/under the correct value, the Gizbot should spawn the laser - is the laser spawning under the gisbot sprite? It could be on a different layer. You'd then need to add Laser On Created and set the angle etc you want it to fire at. Bullet speed could also be set to zero.

    Have a look with the debug tool open and see if it's spawning

  • Quick and simple method if your just using 2 different portals

    Player On Collision with (Portal) > Player set position portal2.X/Y

    You can stylise it a bit better by putting your movement controls into a group and disabling the group, add a fade and do a simple:

    Player On Collision with (Portal) >

    Set group (controls) deactivated, start fade (your fading object)

    On fade in finished > player set position portal2.X/Y

    On fade out finished > set group (controls) activated

  • For Mac: steam_appid goes in the > contents folder. Then navigate to Resources folder, rename app.nw to and past the libs into their. After you've finished rename back to app.nw

    Linux: steam_appid into the first folder with that has .pak files, .dat and a few folders. For libs, same as win64, rename package.nw to .zip and add the libs in their

  • You could try using Tween instead of bullet. Tween to position (whatever X you require) and Self.Y

    This will keep the spikes on the Y they are set at. You can then set the tween to ping pong so it goes back to its original position

  • Here's a copy of the code I used to convert numbers to decimals. Sorry it's from a phone screen shot, I'm not at the computer.

    Long code for the return value function so you don't have to type it manually:

    right(left(zeropad(round(Function.Param(0)),maxdigits),maxdigits-9),clamp(len(str(round(Function.Param(0))))-9,0,3)) &(len(str(round(Function.Param(0)))) > 9 ? seperator : "") &right(left(zeropad(round(Function.Param(0)),maxdigits),maxdigits-6),clamp(len(str(round(Function.Param(0))))-6,0,3)) &(len(str(round(Function.Param(0)))) > 6 ? seperator : "") & right(left(zeropad(round(Function.Param(0)),maxdigits),maxdigits-3),clamp(len(str(round(Function.Param(0))))-3,0,3)) &(len(str(round(Function.Param(0)))) > 3 ? seperator : "") &right(mid(zeropad(round(Function.Param(0)*10),maxdigits) ,maxdigits-4,3),clamp(len(str(round(Function.Param(0))))-0,0,3))

    Then you need to set the text to the global variable of your numbers, e.g coins or hearts, but with the function and the variable instead of just the variable like this

    Hope this helps, if you need desktop screen shots or an example .c3p file let me know and I'll sort it out tomorrow when I'm on the computer

  • Before an incorrect loop would cause C3 to crash, with any unsaved work being lost. Now the preview will just hang black and not load which is much better IMO.

    If you can't work out which parts of your new code have caused the issue, toggle disable each new section to figure out which is causing the issue

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  • Add the flashlight to the enemy as a container. This will create a flashlight for the enemy without the need for events, when an enemy is created.

    Then you can add 2 conditions:

    Enemy - on created

    Loop - for each enemy > Pin flashlight to image point

    Apologies for phone screen shots, but you get the gist

  • Great work! All the animations and fighting styles look very fluid, if that had street fighter or MK animations in, you'd never be able to tell the difference!

  • Do you have access to cPanel? If so, you can create a new directory under the domain. and extract the html5 export into this.

    Then make a new page in wordpress and iframe the URL that the extracted html5 is in. There's a couple of responsive iframe plugins available if you need it mobile optimized too.

    After that, you can place a redirect for to redirect to the page that the iframe content is located, so if a visitor isn't a member and manages to locate straight to source directory, they'll be redirected to the iframed WordPress page that the games on

  • We can use .AAB to upload into the Play Console at a max size of 150mb. After that, you need to add an OBB file for the remaining content. I assume you'd have to create this in Android Studio and would probably require a lot of additional work that's not documented on C3.

    So anything over 150mb, you can't simply export from C3 ready for a roll out on the Play Console.

    I had to do a lot of optimising and remove 8 languages (they were built with sprites so took up a fair few mb) to get under the 150mb for a re release of one of my games. Just compress all of your sprites and hope for the best!