How do I make the bullet spawn?

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From the Asset Store
Bullet Effects
$2.30 USD
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This pack contains 10 types of bullet effects, with different shapes and colors.
  • This might be quite silly to most of you, but I've tried everything to fix this and it just doesn't work. I want the laser to spawn at image point 1 for the collision box when I release the spacebar, but the laser just straight up doesn't spawn. The laser's set to be initially visible and everything, but I really need help on this after trying nearly everything. Do any of ya'll know how to fix this? Please let me know.

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  • 2 things: With the spacebar down, your adding 1 to ChargeTime every tick the spacebars down, this will mean the ChargeTime variable fly's up very quickly and your code is set to less than/equal to 60, so chances are the variables going to be above 60 and not call the next code. Looks like it should be more than/equal to 60.

    Secondly, assuming the spacebar is released and the ChargeTime variable is over/under the correct value, the Gizbot should spawn the laser - is the laser spawning under the gisbot sprite? It could be on a different layer. You'd then need to add Laser On Created and set the angle etc you want it to fire at. Bullet speed could also be set to zero.

    Have a look with the debug tool open and see if it's spawning

  • 2 things: With the spacebar down, your adding 1 to ChargeTime every tick the spacebars down, this will mean the ChargeTime variable fly's up very quickly and your code is set to less than/equal to 60, so chances are the variables going to be above 60 and not call the next code. Looks like it should be more than/equal to 60.

    Secondly, assuming the spacebar is released and the ChargeTime variable is over/under the correct value, the Gizbot should spawn the laser - is the laser spawning under the gisbot sprite? It could be on a different layer. You'd then need to add Laser On Created and set the angle etc you want it to fire at. Bullet speed could also be set to zero.

    Have a look with the debug tool open and see if it's spawning

    I see, thank you! I'll check if this works

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