Where to put Steam SDK for Mac and Linux exports?

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Telegram Mini Apps SDK is a plugin that allows impliment Telegram Mini Apps features.
  • Hi all. I wanna use Steam SDK for all supported platforms, but official documentation doesn't say where I have to put Steam SDK files for Mac and Linux. Does anybody know where they (Steam SDK files) should be placed for that platforms? I don't have Mac and Linux to test it. Thanks!

  • Information I found for MAC:

    • libsdkencryptedappticket.dylib and libsteam_api.dylib should be placed there Game.app\Contents\Frameworks (or create Steam folder Game.app\Contents\Frameworks\Steam ?)
    • steam_appid.txt should be placed inside a folder where is Game.app (not inside of Game.app). But I found another info "If its deployed from Steam you don't need nor should you use the steam_appid.txt". So do I have to use steam_appid.txt? If yes, should I edit Info.plist?

    Information for Linux:

    I hope the pattern the same as for windows. Put all SDK files inside a folder where is executable file located. Just needed clarification about txt file format. ANSI or UTF-8?

    Ashley, could you please clarify that information? Thanks

  • For Mac: steam_appid goes in the gamename.app > contents folder. Then navigate to Resources folder, rename app.nw to app.zip and past the libs into their. After you've finished rename back to app.nw

    Linux: steam_appid into the first folder with that has .pak files, .dat and a few folders. For libs, same as win64, rename package.nw to .zip and add the libs in their

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  • It works! Thanks a lot for your help!

  • And yes forgot to mention for some reason (I'm not sure about) the steam_appid.txt file needs to be saved as ANSI

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