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  • give your card a variable called "SpaceUid", in it you store the uid of the space it will overlapp.Once that is done make it so that when the card overlapps another card it switches its uid from "".beneath that event make a foreach card condition in which each card picks a space using the stored uid and then sets its position to that space.

    I am not sure how to switch 2 variables with eachoter but i am pretty sure that there is a way to do that using arrays or dictionary or other ways of storing.

    Maybe you can have each card have a "PastSpaceuid" variable that saves the past uid...

    ps.if you have a problem after this send the link to your c3 file so that i can help you make the feature,but also explain exactly what your game is about so that i can make a feature that fits what you want.

  • Well you can do what i said before but add a tween to the cards that slowly drags the card to the new position.

    for the switching i am not sure how to as i have never done anything similair to it,but maybe check the spaces[overlapp] for wheter they have a card or not,If they do and a card is selected you can try to switch them using the method mentioned before.

    ps.Make the spaces save the card uid that is on top of them that will be helpful with switching positions

  • im not really sure what you exactly want but this is one way of acheiving something similiar to selecting a card and selecting another card to switch


    click a card and save its uid,x & positions,then click on another card that you want to switch.

    create a array that holds x and y positions ,then on mouse release set the position of the clicked card to the saved coordinates[0].Once that is done,pick a card with the saved uid and then set its position to the saved coordinates[array.count-1]

  • Jase00

    For All timers:

    The starting Conditions:

    These 2 events work perfectly fine until my timer is less than a second,at first i thought it was becouse i was to slow to see it but that wasnt the case as the timer didnt repeat as it should.

    My second theory was that i was constantly creating a timer and that wasnt the case at all...

    i have also checked on the console and found that the loop stops working once the timer is less than a second.

    Ps:Link to my game is on top,if you have any problems feel free to ask

  • I have this problem where if my timer are shorter than a second, the on timer condition does not trigger. This is a BIG problem as i need to have timers as short as 0.1s.

    Link to project:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c9h8qe6lff0ibe3lpw2xr/ShadowLightMan.c3p?rlkey=2150tsvunlbgrtr02mrpv9gnz&st=hnzobe0x&dl=0

    The problem all along was that i was stupid and forgot that int DOES NOT handle anything less than 1,*sigh*


  • the Holdingdownduration only resets once left click is released and i havent found any other event that does the same so i am not sure what you meant with it.

    the problem that i am having is that even if the condition is meet,the event does not happend until i hold it down again which is not something i can do for my game as releasing left click is the condition for reseting holdingdownduration...

  • Here is the link to the game,https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c9h8qe6lff0ibe3lpw2xr/ShadowLightMan.c3p?rlkey=2150tsvunlbgrtr02mrpv9gnz&st=h9momeno&dl=0

    To be able to spawn a rope first press q twice to switch to chain mode.

    Once you are in chain mode there is 2 spawning options,instant which sends a ray to the mouse to check where the chain should spawn and the throwing which does not work thanks to this bug.

    In the Event sheet Called Main Event,[my bad] there is group inside player called Dash.In there is the code for this mekanik...

    Ps.On the start of the game press left click on the floor below,this will make it easier to navigate the level.

    If there is any problems just askRedPinesCorp

  • I have a event where the condition is that if Throw is true and mouse is down Do something.But the thing is that for the throw to be true the mouse needs to be down for a few seconds[2] and then throw will be set true.But for this to work i need to hold down twice which is not something i can do for my project as i need to set throw to false when mouse button is released.

    the best way to explain it is that it is like a short charg then a visual show of where the thing will be thrown.

    For the Release problem it is related to what is above but to short explain what happens for some reason the event gets activated even though throw is true which is not what i want and this happends in the same tick even if throw is set to true so thisshoulndt be happening.

    For clarification,throw is set to false As the last event in my project to ensure that the Release event wont happen.Also the set throw to true is above both events.

    I have looked online and through the documents and i cant find anything pointing to what is going wrong :(

    Here is some pictures:



    Ps.I will gladly give more information just ask down below


  • For my game i have a rope,i for a reason need to destroy from top down so in this case i just cant let my rope teleport right to another position.

    When i do this there is a empty spot which i want to have the rest of the rope to occupy.

    Missing Piece:


    I cant really figure out a way that would be easily appliable throughout all the ropes i have in game.I have tried creating a invincible block that pushes them closer but That didnt work at all.

    Any help would be appreciated :)

  • I got this bug on my hand where the removejoint event doesnt work for some reason.I thought this was coused by me doing something wrong but i couldnt find any documentation indicating it.

    Is there a way for me to get the code to the removejoint function/event,it be appreciated And if you can it be nice to have my last post about the problem be fixed to:)

    By the way,I am using the built-in physics to create rope


  • I have 2 events that do 2 different things but requires one of the physics object to remove all joints connected to it.The removing of the joints is the main event for the 2 which means that in both events the object should have its joints removed.That is not the case,in the first one it clearly works but in the other it Doesnt happen.I dont understand why as i looked through the documents and i have searched around without finding anything that might point out that i am doing something wrong.I have even tried to remove joint multiple times in the event to try to see if there is anything that stoped it but i couldnt find anything.

    Here is some pictures that i hope is enought.

    Full Event:

    Working Event:

    Problem Event:


    If there is a need for more information just write in the comment section and i will give it to you.


  • Cant edit my post so here a summery of what i believe is happening.

    There is something different with the debugger which stops loops from happening:

    I dont understand why this is happening so for furthur clarification Here is a picture of the event in which the loop resides in.

  • In my game i have this rope in which i update the lenght after droping it.I had some diffuculties with deleting and adding chains so i added in a bool to check if the event happend but when i did that i had the debugger freze on me.

    This is very likely to have nothing to do with the events itself as it works outside the debugger but to simplify what is happening.I pick a chain in the rope to delete,that chain has a uid to the next chain which i save.Then i go to the next one and i do this X amount of times[Max 10 deleted][Chains are jointed together]

    This is Console Screenshot of the debugger(i have never used the console before so i am not sure what is happening and what the problem might be):

    Here is also the Stats of the debugger.




  • for my project i have 2 shadowlightsources that i move using the timeline function.

    In the editor it works like it should but once i try it inside of the game,the shadows/lights dont move and instead set itself to the last frame in the timeline plus a smaller Height without changing light height[i assume it has something to do with it teleporting right below the player but when i debugg it,the light source doesnt change position???].

    I have looked around and tried different methods of moving the lights but it doesnt give the effect i want so this is pretty much my only option.

    Also Shadowlights teleports right below the player on the start of the game[i dont have an event that does that,i just created a block and gave it the shadowcaster behavior] and doesnt move using timeline function.Also it moves when i scroll the layout.

    Timeline[X only changes]:

    Editor[Position & Look]:

    InGame:[Position & look(Aftertimeline)]:

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