I have a event where the condition is that if Throw is true and mouse is down Do something.But the thing is that for the throw to be true the mouse needs to be down for a few seconds[2] and then throw will be set true.But for this to work i need to hold down twice which is not something i can do for my project as i need to set throw to false when mouse button is released.
the best way to explain it is that it is like a short charg then a visual show of where the thing will be thrown.
For the Release problem it is related to what is above but to short explain what happens for some reason the event gets activated even though throw is true which is not what i want and this happends in the same tick even if throw is set to true so thisshoulndt be happening.
For clarification,throw is set to false As the last event in my project to ensure that the Release event wont happen.Also the set throw to true is above both events.
I have looked online and through the documents and i cant find anything pointing to what is going wrong :(
Here is some pictures:
Ps.I will gladly give more information just ask down below