JLH1964's Forum Posts

  • Same for sound. The 'media' folder that contained my sound files had to be pasted into the '\AppX' directory.

  • Thanks all but I think I figured it out.

    C2 (r184) dumps the images into the folder:


    instead of:


    I copied the images into the '\images' folder and the app compiled and ran (Desktop Version).

    Sound isn't working so that my next challenge

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello all,

    I exported my app to 'Windows Universal', edited the manifest for a certificate and hit run. Unfortunately, the app wont compile and halts at the following - RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.

    Any ideas?

    I understand its looking for a resource that isn't there, but how to fix?

    Thanks so much.


  • JLH1964 Really thanks for the "heads up" ..I need to start testing my game on a Android device too now!!

    BTW do you make minimum of $5 per day??

    Also can you provide a link to your game? Wold love to install it on my bro's Android phone and try it out

    From my experience, if I were you, I would stick with Google Play (Android) and use interstitial ads. I started off using banners and my revenue was approx. $1 - 2 per day for my better performing apps. When I switched to interstitials the revenue quadrupled. However, my apps were written in Eclipse (using java) and the AdMob SDK integrated manually.

    I'm new to construct and have created a couple of C2 apps with ads that don't seem to provide the same revenue as Eclipse created apps have. I'm still experimenting with C2 for ad placement etc.

    Hope this helps.

  • >

    > IMHO - WP market is a waste of time anyways. I have WP and Android versions of the same app and the Android app will earn $5 per day on ads and the WP version 5c. Its literally pennies on the dollar.


    Wow thats a huge difference!!

    but is it really THAT bad?? How come people still make games on WP platform then?

    Yes it is.

    I have no idea. I did for awhile and soon figured out I was wasting my time. The WP 'PubCenter' (Windows version of AdMob) has a terrible ad fill-rate and very low revenue.

  • Not that I have to but....


  • Hi,

    As many of you already on know by now, Microsoft still has no support adding Ads to WinPhone, using Ads SDK if your game is exported as Universal App (HTML/JS) project.

    This greatly limits us from generating revenue from Ads on Windows Phone 8.1 platform. This is rather sad and shocking that MS has not thought about the one Technology (HTML5) that is truly cross Platform!

    Please vote at the MS UserVoice forum for this feature to be added to the next WP8.1 update:

    https://wpdev.uservoice.com/forums/1107 ... js-apps-cr

    If you thinking that you are not affected by this, then remember all C2 games are exported as HTML5/JS files <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    IMHO - WP market is a waste of time anyways. I have WP and Android versions of the same app and the Android app will earn $5 per day on ads and the WP version 5c. Its literally pennies on the dollar.

  • Scrap the ads. Ads are annoying and distracting. Just set a price!

    I average $700 - 800 per month using AdMob ads. I sell approx. 10 'full versions' at 99c per month.

    Let me see.....do I want $800 per month or $10 per month.

  • But it doesn't emulate ads. JLH1964 your described process is what I have to go through as well. I'm doing it right now in fact and it's a pain. At the moment my banner ad is showing but not the interstitial. I have to do this multiple times.

    I agree - makes the process much more time consuming than it has to be.

    BTW - Ironically, my interstitials show but my banners do not. What release are you using? I'm on r183 and for the life of me I cant get a banner to show.

  • You can check this tutorial

    http://shatter-box.com/documentation/co ... r-android/

    Thanks Andreas. The tutorial reflects what I did to display banners - they don't show.

    I don't think its a matter of how I'm implementing the banners, its a matter that the banner ads don't work in r183 (or above). I think its a bug.

    Has anybody successfully implemented a banner ad in r183 or above?

    Thanks so much.

  • You need to build the game in something like intel XDK and install the resulting APK in order to see the test admob. In order to see the real admob you need to publish on GooglePlay first.

    If you preview over wifi, or trough web html5, they just don't show.

    Thanks for your reply. Actually, you don't have to publish to Google Play to see the AdMob ads. What you need to do is install the APK (after building in XDK) onto a device with an internet connection and then the ads should be served. There is no need to publish to GP first.

    And therein lies my dilemma, I download to my device, install, and interstitial ads work fine but banners do not.

  • Hello all,

    I there a way to preview my app (with ads) other than building (XDK) and downloading to my phone. I recently had an issue with trying to get ad banners to show. To verify my app shows ads I had to:

    Build the app in XDK.

    Send the URL for the APK to my phone.

    Download to my phone.

    Run the app.

    This seems cumbersome and its very time consuming. Especially as I did not get the ads to run and 90% of my time was spent repeating the above procedure.

    Is there an emulator or a method that allows us to view our app and its ad placements BEFORE using the time and resources to build and download as described above?


  • Anyone? Still no luck for me with banners

  • can you post a screenshot of the event then?

    Thanks for your attention. Though I have a feeling its a bug as others are reporting similar experiences.


  • Did you ad the admob banner Id? You have to make a banner ad on Admobs website first.

    Yes - I added the banner specific ID # and no banner appears. If I use an interstitial specific ID # the interstitial does appear just fine.
