JLH1964's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    Does anyone have a thumbnail overview of implementing FB Instantgame ads? In my wife's app, she has added the correct info to the C3 plugin, got the app approved, the app requests ads but none show - she has the "request/show ad" command correct in the app.

    We know ads work in her game because if she designates her phone as a FB "tester", ads show. However, from many actual user ad requests (non testers) the fill rate is 0%; no ads are actually displayed for non testers.

    Not sure if it's something in the C3 plugin or she missed a step in setting up FB ads.

    Anyone offer any suggestions?


  • To answer my own question, setting to show was not ideal as unwanted scrollbars then appeared. After trawling Stack Overflow, I pieced the following together for the CSS file. All environments now display fully with no scrollbars.


  • Hello,

    Our app is a video quiz style page (FB instantgame). Everything works great on Windows and Android but on Mac OS and iOS the quiz window is chopped off to approx 75% of size. I know a little html and in the CSS file discovered that if I change the following from hidden -> show, the window displays fully in all environments.

    Is there a setting in C3 for performing this (on the viewport etc) ? Issue is only on Mac/iPhone.


  • Thanks. I read that but its vague at best.

  • I'm having the exact same problem. Don't know how to fix, would LOVE a reply.

  • Anyone?

  • Hello,

    Does anyone know if C3 supports the sharing of the users score from the Instantgame (facebook) plugin? For example, the user plays the game, gets a score, and that score is shareable to facebook friends.


  • It should display automatically if you use the MobileAdvert plugin and configure it in your Admob Account because AFAIK the Consent Dialog is not coming from Construct but from Admob.

    I understand, thank you.

  • Did you add the consent pop-up to your project or is it supposed to display automatically,as part of the plugin?

  • Bootfit , wait until the MobileAdvert plugin ads not being able to load problem gets fixed, github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues/1867 , or you could always use Enhance(FGL) for your ads.

    Ummmmm...by the time the plugin gets fixed, and then the GDPR is implicated, we're probably well on our way to Christmas. This is unacceptable for a subscription model. This thread alone is 2 MONTHS old and still no fix other than its being "worked on".

    Next time my subscription payment is due, if I tell Scirra I'm "working on" getting the money together, do you think they will let me use C3 full version for free? Zero chance.

  • Ashley, I'd recommend diverting your resources to fix issues such as GDPR as soon as possible. A new runtime and timeline should not take precedence over core functionality. Many of us have been blocked for months due to GDPR issues, and the GDPR issue being "worked on" could take months more.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Bump, in honor of another week passing.....

  • It's kind of frustrating nowadays. If you plan to release an app to any of the markets with google ads, the app market now requires a GDPR dialog box that asks the user to opt into ads. We have literally been waiting for this for MONTHS with little to no feedback from Scirra. We've wasted 3 MONTHS of our subscriptions in a holding pattern waiting for this fix while other pointless features are added such as new templates etc. What's the point if you can't even make your app market compatible?

    An indicator of the health the product is the forums. Back in the heyday of C2, when you posted a forum post, the post would be relegated all the way down the page in hours - because of so many other posters actively using the product who had questions. Nowadays, your post can sit in the top 5 for days as postings become less and less.

    When my 50% subscription elapses, so am I. I'd rather spend the subscription $ on HBO.

  • Great - thanks for the update!

  • Terrible "service" for subscription paying customers. We're being totally ignored on this issue. I've wasted MONTHS of subscription waiting for this fix and its still not addressed, not even a comment, and it's a show-stopper for me.

    What's the point in new releases of C3 for minutia "bug fixes" when one of the main functionality areas (exporting with WORKING ads) has been broken for months?

    Scirra constantly compares its subscription model to companies such as Unity, can you imagine this level of "service" at Unity? They'd be out of business.

    Scirra appears to want the constant revenue of the subscription model, but without any of responsibility to maintain a usable tool that is compliant with the App Store or Google Play. You cant have it both ways Scirra - you have to maintain the features advertised.

    Scirra, PLEASE fix this issue ASAP!