JLH1964's Forum Posts

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    > Yet not clearly documented where you think it would be


    Where should features be documented, if not in the manual? The manual should be the first port of call for anyone wanting to know how something works.

    May I suggest that with your new found revenue (per annum) that you hire a tech writer. For a much requested feature of exporting to an APK, WITHOUT the use of XDK etc, to be buried in a manual is problematic. That feature was one of the #1 requests in the 2 years I was involved with C2.

    When I bought my truck, I didn't have to dig through the users manual to discover the MPG, it was right there on the sticker as part of a bullet list. See the difference?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • If one is forced to use Xcode to publish to iOS (no matter if it is Apple who forces one), that should directly and clearly be stated on the C3 website.

    Instead it says: 'You can publish to all these platforms: iOS etc. ...', not mentioning all the hurdles along the way.

    That way, many people will buy C3 enthusiasticly and the moment it comes to publishing, they will get frustrated and stop using the oftware, as it is happening to a lot of C2 users right now.

    Wait until you jump through all the hoops, somehow get 10 apps to Google Play, and then all your apps are flagged by GP for using an unsecure Cordova plugin. Imagine the fun of attempting to update 10 apps (or lose your GP account for the violations) but the tools you created the apps with XDK etc are no longer. I had to delete all my work from GP.

    Scirra won't get another dime from me. I was led to believe C2 was a "lifetime" tool to monetize apps. It was not - whats the point of lifetime updates if the C2 monetize environment no longer works?

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    Ok, well good luck to you. I've tried a number of alternatives, and Scirra have cracked it!

    FYI ... I'd pay triple the subscription. Anyway that topic has been discussed a lot already.

    And yes, Admobs and in-app purchases are working for me.

    And, the fundamentals are documented online, just a lack of video tutorials I guess.

    Good luck to you too Sir. And thanks for the information on APK export.

  • So I am currently planning to purchase construct but I'm unsure if I should get construct 2 or 3 to develop my first game. Can someone help me decide which one I should use? I don't know what the difference between the two are other than construct one being a one time payment and construct 3 being a yearly subscription.

    If using Construct for "fun" go with C2, if using Construct for "business" go with C2 - though it seems support is lacking now.

    The issue with C3 is that unless you keep paying that yearly subscription, your projects will disappear.

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    Clearly documented in the C3 manual here: https://www.construct.net/gb/make-games/manuals/construct-3/overview/publishing-projects, with links to tutorials.

    Yet not clearly documented where you think it would be, in the list of "new features". I wouldn't expect a user to dig through a manual to discover a critical feature that was constantly requested in C2.

    Anyways, its a moot point for me. $150 per year for a game IDE that is bug-filled (as stated, C2 games earned me numerous Google Play warnings for the Cordova plugin) is ridiculous. App revenue from ads is almost dead - Im certainly not working on apps to hand Scirra my hard-earned money each year.

    I put up with C2 because it was a one-time payment. Looks like it's time to move on.

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    Whoops - I got tempted after reading of export to APK. Went to purchase and the price is PER ANNUM -


    No thanks, Scirra you are far from being stable enough to charge per year, like Adobe. My initial post was correct - a money grab.

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    [quote:1cjy294t]Correct me I'm wrong but you still can't export a ready-to-ship APK file from C3?

    I certainly can export an "unsigned APK" directly from C3 ... VERY VERY EASILY, compared with the old Intel XDK method.

    Here's the process. Bold texts show the number of clicks:

    MENU >


    EXPORT >


    NEXT (to skip compression options) >

    Select Unsigned release APK & press NEXT >

    Wait for the upload, and build >

    Press the download link in the pop up

    Once you have the UNSIGNED APK ... you'll need to sign and zipalign it. I do this via command line prompt (takes 30 seconds for me). THEN it is ready for upload

    That's interesting. Why isn't this functionality clearly documented. If I remember correctly, in C2 I had to juggle a list of XDK projects and pray that XDK never went away - taking my source with it. Thanks for the info - now Im a little more intrigued. Im familiar with Android Studio and signing/zipalign etc.

    Have you tried adding ads for AdMob/Amazon yet?

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    > The main issue with Construct is the problematic exporting to Android/iOS etc, and it seems none of that was addressed. Is C3 just a money grab?


    Android exporting is BRILLIANT in C3. Super quick and easy!

    A minor hiccup in Admobs, but I've got it working flawlessly (including the new reward videos), and Google Services plugin should have been fixed in latest beta.

    I upgraded from C2 6 months ago. Well worth the money!

    Correct me I'm wrong but you still can't export a ready-to-ship APK file from C3?

    I have no doubt there were improvements to processes in C3, but without a robust iOS/Adroid export it's a pain and not worth the hassle.

    My reason for asking is that I just removed 10 apps from my Google Play that I previously created with C2. Over the last 18 months, all 10 fell out of favor with Google for issues with the Cordova plugin - part of the C2 export APK creation dance. For the small amount or revenue they generated, going through the export/XDK dance for 10 game updates just wasnt worth it. I deleted them and went back to Android Studio.

    So unless C3 can generate an APK from C3 itself, C3 is still just a fun entertainment app to play at being a developer - certainly not worth the 'dev level' price tag.

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    I've been off the scene for a year or so and just finding out about C3 being released. I don't get it. If i monetize some of my apps, C3 costs more than C2, no "deal-breaker" new features, and still all of the hokey, and extremely temperamental, export "to all OS" types procedures.

    I have no intention of upgrading to C3 from C2 - why would I ? The main issue with Construct is the problematic exporting to Android/iOS etc, and it seems none of that was addressed. Is C3 just a money grab?


  • I see. Thanks so much

  • Anyone.....anyone....

  • Don't worry, ads still serve in C2 apps after Sept 15th.

    Thanks. On what documentation do you base that belief upon?

  • Hello,

    I recently received this email from Google:

    "AdMob is committed to providing you the most effective monetization solutions. As we innovate, it’s important that we leverage the latest technologies to bolster our platform. As part of this movement, we are deprecating versions 6.4.1 and lower of the Android Google Mobile Ads SDK on September 15th, 2016.

    In order to ensure that your ads continue to serve after September 15th, 2016, please upgrade to Google Mobile Ads SDK 7.0.0 or higher."

    Will ads still serve in our C2 apps after Sept 15th?

    Thanks all.

  • Here's the problem: Google Play states the following in the email (I also got the email) :

    While these specific issues may not affect every app that uses Apache Cordova, it’s best to stay up to date on all security patches. Apps with vulnerabilities that expose users to risk of compromise may be considered Dangerous Products in violation of the Content Policy and section 4.4 of the Developer Distribution Agreement.

    So if you don't update your apps, technically you could get a Google Play account strike after May 2016.

    Here's the kicker; I've updated apps in the past for similar issues and the update launches another verification of your app. During that verification there is a reasonable chance that your app will get flagged for a totally unrelated issue and generate a policy strike. It happened to me last time. A 2-year old app got a policy strike for something it was not violating.

    So, do we feel lucky?

  • I had this issue today. You have to make sure the Visual Studio's property page for the Construct project has a target version that matches the installed Windows 10 SDK/Emulator version.

    You can discover what Windows 10 SDK/Emulator version number you have by looking in your Add/Remove programs.

    After initially getting this error, I selected my correct version number in the property page and my Construct app built successfully in VS Enterprise 2015.