JLH1964's Forum Posts

  • I did a fresh install of Constuct and VS2015 and was then able to edit the manifest file but only in 'code view'. My hope was short-lived when trying to compile as I immediately got a build error.

    Same error as this guy who has been waiting for an answer for 3 weeks.

  • PS - Wonder if this is related:

    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3172 ... tudio-2015

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  • JLH1964

    "I will play around this weekend if I have time and see what I can find."

    If you find something please post it! I keep trying to find a way but I can't. I couldn't even make it work by opening my game with the older Construct2 and then in VS2013 for windows 8.1, seems that once the game is made in the new Construct2 it just wont work, possibly when made in a Windows 8.1 OS (is your OS also 8.1?)

    I know there's more people having this problem too, would be nice to know if there's anybody having this problem using OS windows 10?

    Will do.

    I was on 8.1 when I got the error but since last week I'm on 10. I doubt the OS is the issue though.

    I know that about a year ago the C2 process to export for Windows would place all the artwork into an incorrect folder. Then, of course, the VS project would not compile. However, this is different as we can't even edit the manifest.

    I will create a simple project over the weekend and see what happens.

  • paula22

    > Ashley, I can understand that and I'm willing to collaborate, but it has a little bit too many rules and I can not understand why it needs to be closed and make people do it from scratch all over again instead of allowing editing it, feels very disrespectful and causes people to spend unnecessary time on it.


    ... and yet you are more than happy to continue to flout the bug reporting guidelines, thus wasting Ashley's valuable time? Is your time more valuable than his?

    Dude, relax. He just asking a question after laying out considerable funds.

  • JLH1964 did you find a way around this, by any chance?

    No, sorry.

    I'd have thought it would be easier for the Construct devs to whip together a simple 'Hello World' program and run it through the tutorial steps - it doesn't work and hasn't for months for Windows apps.

    I will play around this weekend if I have time and see what I can find.

    I understand that Ashley is busy but we are paying customers and the software is not 'cheap'.

  • RTM = Release to Manufacturer. Probably what you have.

    RC = Release Candidate. Usually Beta software.

    I too have tried to create a W10 app - the Construct tutorial is outdated and the process simply doesn't work (editing the manifest). My W10 apps wont compile either.

    People only seem to answer the 'obvious' questions and legit questions such as this are ignored.

    Good luck.

  • LauraH

    I didn't mean that.

    I was asking how can I put ads into the game made with construct. Specifically the fullscreen iAds. There is a plugin made by CranberryCordova, but I don't really get how to implement it.

    The cranberry plugin works fine in iOS apps when using AdMob. However, like you, I would like to use iAd "full page ads". I know banner iAd ads are supported but they generate little revenue. Full page ads are the way yo go.

    Unfortunately, despite repeated requests, neither the Construct devs ( Ashley ) nor the community appear to know how to do this or if its even possible.

    If you find an answer, please respond.

  • I would like to use iAds but there doesn't appear to be full-screen ad support in Construct.


  • Anyone? Ashley?

  • Hello,

    Is there a method, or plans for a method, to facilitate full-screen ads in iOS ?


  • Thanks Ashley.

    I was confused because an android app in C2 is bundled with 'chrome' so I wasnt sure if an iOS app was bundled with a stripped-down version of Safari and so would be affected.

    Thanks again.

  • Hello all,

    I'm using Admob in my iOS mobile apps. A new feature in the upcoming iOS9 is the ability for a user to block ads in 'mobile Safari'. Is this going to kill revenue from C2 apps supported by ads (AdMob etc) ? Does C2 use 'mobile Safari' ?


  • Thank you so much

  • Hello,

    The ads will not show on the emulator, use an acutal device. Also, the assumption is that you have supplied an Admob "Ad ID string" in the admob area of C2


  • Hello all,

    I know how to randomly choose a sound file using 'choose' but how would I randomly choose an animation frame? Fro example; I have an animation with 3 frames:




    How would I make a randomizer to randomly select a frame from the 3 available on a button click?

    Thanks so much.