[quote:2ulg3ovk]"... and yet you are more than happy to continue to flout the bug reporting guidelines, thus wasting Ashley's valuable time? Is your time more valuable than his?"
I don't think I'm wasting nobody's time because I paid for this product, 329 euros. For a working product. I need to use my time to pay for it by doing my own work, while the people who created the product use their time working on the product.
And even if I hadn't paid for it, I don't see how closing a report and making people doing it all over again from scratch helps anybody better than allowing people editing it.
[quote:2ulg3ovk]"Far too many pointless bug reports are posted and Ashley is only one man. How do you think he feels when users continually flout the guidelines? Frustation probably isn't a strong enough term.
If everyone followed the guidelines straight from the off, then the whole system would work more efficiently.
I understand, and I'm sorry for him, but when you do charge for a product then you have to give the client the product. Is not my fault if they sell me a product and then doesn't work. I have my own frustrations with my own work which I have to do myself as well.
And the amount of rules and indications to post a bug here is kind of too much and too strict.