JLH1964's Forum Posts

  • Hello all,

    Im trying to play a random sound from a collection of three sounds. I have the sound labels/files:




    Then on a button click I have:

    choose("sound1", "sound2", "sound3")

    The problem is that the sound1 seems to play first time and everytime and also seems to play while the other sounds are playing. I think I have to 'stop' sound1 (or whatever sound is randomly picked) before sound2 or sound3 is played on the next click?

    Do I have this right? If so, why is this not 'random' and why do two files play at the same time?

    Thanks so much.

  • btw. You asked for a wiki? I'm working on something like that. If you are interested and want to contribute some content, feel free to contact me via PM.


    Thanks. I certainly will.

  • Have you added the sound plugins on Intel XDK to your game? Otherwise it will not work.

    THANKS!!!! i assume that just an option on the plug-in page? We need an Android dev Wiki

    UPDATE: THANKS - i added the Audio / media plugin and sounds now work

  • Anyone....?

  • Hello all,

    I've created two apps now that have minimum sound in them (small beeps etc). Everything works great in the emulator/browser. I can export as Android and build an APK using Intel XDK BUT any sound does not play on an Android device.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks so much.

  • Thanks Ashley

  • In case you missed the release notes updates, you need to:

    - have an admob.com account set up

    - have the right Android ad unit IDs set in the plugin properties

    - add the cordova plugin to the XDK using *except* the latest betas change which plugin to use. The correct details are now:

    Name: Admob Ads

    Plugin ID: com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob

    [x] Plugin is located in the Apache Cordova Plugins Registry

    I was using the info linked from the AdMob setting in C2. I see your info is different. Thanks!

    Also, why is there a 'test' field in the AdMob plugin? Can I somehow test ads in C2 before going to XDK?

    Thanks so much.

  • Looks like the new bêta (r182) still has the problem. I downloaded r182 but still no joy.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks Apox - the C2 search is handy. I'm amazed by the list of C2 very good looking games and the abysmal downloads they have on Google Play. The apps I have written in eclipse (Java) are poor quality compared to the C2 list of games. However, because of the subject matter I chose, I average over 2000 downloads per week over approx. 8 apps.

    szymek - you are correct. Ive spent months writing an app in eclipse that generates pennies a week and my top app ($15 per day) I wrote in an hour using eclipse. The latter is the only one out there and so generates hundreds of downloads a day (see above).

    it will be interesting to see what happens if I use the ease of C2 to improve my games but still target my genre of app.

  • Thanks all - then I will wait for a bug fix. No go for me either.

  • you wont see them in the construct2 preview only in XDK

    Thanks - I followed that tutorial and no ads appear. Is there a tutorial that shows how to create the ad event / export the project/ run in XDK? Kind of a soup to nuts scenario?

    thanks much.

  • Great question. I would like some help on this too. For example, can I view the Admob ad in a C2 preview/compile or do I have to go thru the XDK process first?

  • Thanks all - as for $500 a month not being 'money'. I disagree. I earn approx. $800 on Admob and that $800 is fun-money that is usable however way I like. For example $130 of it this month will be buying my C2 license.

    I will take a 'free' $500 per month anytime you don't want it.

  • Thanks all. I do appreciate the feedback. I'm just looking for a :

    "Yes. I make $500 per month using C2 apps" kind of response.

    Also, don't set too high a bar on C2 making money. Especially with the new Admob plugin added, I can see C2 apps generating decent income - hence my question.

  • Thanks but both links don't answer my question. Has anybody made money on Google Play with C2?

    The threads just go off into diatribes as to Unity vs C2 but is anybody making money with C2 or is it just a cool gadget maker?