JLH1964's Forum Posts

  • No I also use Ads and it will refresh ad. Follow thru might not be similar just based on who downloaded your app.

    Btw imm not trying to be rude, but you dont have a badge by your name. Do you have a license? if not I dont think you suppose to be earning money with C2

    No rudeness taken The creators should be rewarded for their hard work.

    I actually bought the package with 'Spriter' in the 33% sale though I never got the icon assigned. Is it automatic? Who doesn't love a medal?

  • I got this same error its nothing to worry about my app still is offered on all devices.... and i wouldn't us the amazon export it performs worse then Crosswalk except on the first kindle fire from tests ive done...

    I think it says that just because it detects HTML in the formatting or something IDk, but it will still work for you. My game is on all kindle devices and i got that same error and nothing happened its just how their apk online scanner works thats why that message say may contain links. when it goes the the approval stage you wont have any issues

    Awesome - thank you.

  • A Moto E goes for $119 and has 4GB of storage. 60mb represents about 1.4% of its storage space. Are you sure that's a problem? BTW as of Android L you'll be able to publish with PhoneGap, which should work just as well as Crosswalk and without any extra filesize overhead.

    Exactly - my current phone has 16gb of storage and so a 30mb game wont make me lose sleep. Back in the day my Windows Phone had 64mb and no expansion slot. Those days, space WAS an issue. Nowadays I don't think people care about a loss of 15mb or so.

  • I understand that but all being equal, the follow thru clicks should be similar per 100 clicks.

    I'm wondering if C2 shows the same ad over and over again. Some issue like that.

  • "What differs is the appstore" - Not really. I've submitted many APKs to both GP and Amazon - the same, exact APK. There is nothing special about Android apps and Amazon - other than you cant use external Ad providers. So building in XDK for Android does and will work - Ive done it successfully before in C2 but not in this instance.


  • I dont believe so. The Amazon phone/tablet are 'Android' based.


  • Hello all,

    I have two apps in Google Play:

    App 1 was made using Eclipse and regular old Java. I added an AdMob interstitial advert on every 10th 'click' of a button.

    App 2 was made using C2. I added an AdMob interstitial advert on every 10th 'click' of a button.

    Same type of app but with the only difference being one was made using Eclipse and one using C2

    As you can see from the screenshot, the top app (Eclipse version) out monetizes the second app (C2). Given the amount of ads served per app, you'd expect the C2 app to generate approx. half of the Eclipse app; around $4. So the revenue is way off for ads served in the C2 app.

    Any ideas? Anybody else seen this?



  • Hello all,

    I recently submitted an app to Google Play with the AdMob plugin integrated. I then decided to submit the same app to the Amazon Marketplace

    but as a PAID app. I removed the AdMob plugin in C2 and created a new project in XDK. I then built the app (Android and Crosstalk).

    On submission to the Amazon marketplace, I receive a warning that 'External market Links Detected' (I'm presuming AdMob) that may stop the app being offered on devices. I have removed the AdMob plugin in C2 and XDK but I keep getting this caution on submission to Amazon.

    Any ideas?



  • JLH1964

    I have attached a screen shot of settings / code that will work (1 line of code and example of what your animations should be set on.

    That did it Thank you so much for the help.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • The latest beta (r182) contains the AdMob plugin and is very easy to implement - no coding. Works great too.

  • Reverate Off course you can use you own keystore

    And if you already use the keystore gived by Intel, you can ask them and they'll be sent it to you.

    (Sorry if I don't answer the question, I'm french and my english is not perfect)

    Im not sure how this screenshot helps with using your own keystore. In fact, looking at the XDK interface, I don't see any place where you can input your own keystore to sign an app.

    Is this even possible?


  • Hi all,

    Setting the animation to '0' appears to stop the animation altogether. Any other value just slows or speeds the animation. It doesn't actually stop at a frame. Also, I don't see in the editor where I disable the animation.

    Thanks anyways.

  • Hello all.

    I have a strip animation that is 10 frames long. I want to click on a button and the animation advance to the next frame. So it would look like this:

    Click 1 = Shows Frame 1

    Click 2 = Shows Frame 2

    Click 3 = Shows Frame 3

    Click 4 = Shows Frame 4


    I can click my button and the animation plays but but the WHOLE animation plays each time.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks so much.

  • Oh what a fool I am - I see from the screenshot that I left in an old 'Play' - just took it out and it works great.

    Thanks anyways

  • Thanks
