GSPforChrist's Forum Posts

  • Helping to keep this post alive.

    Are the April 2010 the latest version of the documents?

    I assume most of this can be done on C2, aye?

    Is there a link to a demo of current game version (I could not seem to find one around)?

    Thanks, all.

  • Will give that a go then, thanks. Making Thursday my days learning C2. Mondays are CC. Always life permitting that is.

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  • Regarding:

    "TIP: Before you Add any Sprites, Backgrounds etc. In the layers Tab on the right, Add at least 2 more layers so now you have 3 in total, Name them from the bottom up, Background, Objects, GUI. What this does is allow editing and game play to be better, and nothing will interact incorrectly. Also Name your Event Sheets to Correspond to the Layouts."

    Question... referring to making three layers or three layouts, or both (all six)?


  • Thanks, palies. Will try it all out and report back.

  • I see what you mean, SoldjahBoy. Thank you. Your method might be more efficient so I will give that a try and see how well it works for me. Thank you.

    EDITED to fix spelling errors.

  • I only found stopping the powerup from coming back on the screen was by constantly destroying it when the global variable was set. This is so I figure other powerups will fall except the active one to keep clutter off. As the variable changes with other powerups, it could start coming back on screen. It probably does not have to be destroyed on event 66. Just makes it look a pinch nicer than going through the ship.

  • I can not seem to figure this one out. I currently have:

    + System: Start of layout

    -> XAudio2: Autoplay resource "Skillet - Hero (instrumental).wav" (Loop)

    How can I go about having multiple music clips playing one after another, but then looping back to the beginning of the play list? Is it easier to just combine all the clips into one, using my audio editor, to stick with just one background WAV for Construct?


  • In my space shooter, I so far have a single powerup weapon.

    (event 66)

    + Hero: On collision between Hero and poweruplevel2

    -> Hero: Set 'Weapons' to 1

    -> poweruplevel2: Destroy

    When the item is grabbed, and the weapon enabled, this was the only way I figured to stop it from continuing to drop.

    (event 67)

    + Hero: Value 'Weapons' Equal to 1

    -> poweruplevel2: Destroy

    Then I would allow other powerups to fall and the already enabled ones to not fall. This acceptable or there is a cleaner way?

    These are the weapon events for the ship when the above value changes from 0 to 1:

    (events 7, 8, 9)

    + MouseKeyboard: On key Space pressed

    + Hero: Value 'Weapons' Equal to 0

    + System: Bullet.Count Lower than 20

    -> XAudio2: Autoplay resource "imphenzia_soundtrack_laser36.wav" (No loop)

    -> System: Create object Bullet on layer 1 at (0, 0) from Hero 's image point 1

    (events 10, 11)

    + Hero: Value 'Weapons' Equal to 1

    + System: Bullet2.Count Lower than 10

    -> XAudio2: Autoplay resource "imphenzia_soundtrack_laser36.wav" (No loop)

    -> System: Create object Bullet2 on layer 1 at (0, 0) from Hero 's image point 2

    -> System: Create object Bullet2 on layer 1 at (0, 0) from Hero 's image point 3

  • Looks like on MediaFire I can change out files (delete and upload new copy, opposed to updating) and the link to the folder stays the same for users. Need to just make sure on your account, extended sharing is enabled.

    "Extended sharing allows you to share folders. Basic sharing offers the greatest security but prevents folder sharing. With basic sharing you can ONLY share individual files."

    MediaFire, free, only allows 200M of space.

  • Heh, as always, I post/reply and then stumble upon a solution accidentally. I was able to get the right click options in the animator working correctly when I realized I needed the single object highlighted, and clicking in the right animator box (top or bottom). Once I figured out the basic for the example I posted about earlier, I went a bit more into it from two frames to six. Here is what I did and you tell me if I did too much or not.

    Now the space ship grabs purple crosses to spell the word "Jesus" on screen. So, got a cross flying down as do the weapon upgrades, health packs, and baddies trying to blow me to kibble 'n bits.

    I have already made six images of the name "JESUS." Image one is all red. Image two, J is green. Three, JE are green. So on until image six where all are green. This is because it was easier to fill in the letters with Microsoft's Paint bucket fill to change one solid color to another in one click. So, I added that OBJECT using image one.

    After playing around, found I clicked the image and selected the Animator tab. I left clicked the default angle. On bottom window, I copied frame 1 five times. Then, with frames 2 to 6, I opened (double clicked) each into the Construct Picture Editor, cleared each, and opened the before mentioned images of different colored letters. So, frame 1-6 match image 1-6.

    Made a GLOBAL VARIABLE called JesusScore, set for 0.

    With tinkering (and without mentioning all the mistakes and guesses), in EVENTS, start of layout sets the first animation frame:

    + System: Start of layout

    -> XAudio2: Autoplay resource "Skillet - Hero (instrumental).wav" (Loop)

    -> JESUS: Set animation frame to 1

    Down in my list, the cross object flies on down (I set all my creation speeds fast to test fast without waiting):

    + System: Every 1500 milliseconds

    -> System: Create object PurpleCross on layer 1 at (random(640), 0)

    Then I add the collision:

    + Hero: On collision between Hero and PurpleCross

    -> System: Add 1 to global variable 'JesusScore'

    -> PurpleCross: Destroy

    And its following subevents:

    + System: Is global variable 'JesusScore' Equal to 1

    -> JESUS: Set animation frame to 2

    + System: Is global variable 'JesusScore' Equal to 2

    -> JESUS: Set animation frame to 3

    + System: Is global variable 'JesusScore' Equal to 3

    -> JESUS: Set animation frame to 4

    + System: Is global variable 'JesusScore' Equal to 4

    -> JESUS: Set animation frame to 5

    + System: Is global variable 'JesusScore' Equal to 5

    -> JESUS: Set animation frame to 6

    Seems to work for me.

    Do I have the basics covered? How does this work out in terms of efficiency?

    Here is the current version of my retro shooter to show what I mean. I removed the baddies and such to remove clutter to just get to the example in hand.

  • I use MetaFire free. The one thing I do not like about it is that free users can only update files only up to five times. So, if I want to keep the same link I already sent to people, update the existing file, I can only do it, well for me, three more times (total for account, not per file).

    I host my own site and all and I could do it like that, give known people a direct link that stays the same, but wanting to give some access to my (future) work on my resume and LinkedIn profile for potential employers (been out of work for four months now). I can not keep the same link posted that goes to the MediaFire link as it will change after my upload limit hits five total.

    Hmmm, come to think of it, I wonder if, on MediaFire, giving people a link to a subfolder would always stay the same when changing files inside the folder.... hmmmm. Will look at that later (yea, could do it all now but going outside to the shed to do some measurements first on a table).

    I do not know yet (looking into it today) if Dropbox has the same limitations.

    To host files for people takes tremendous storage space. I would love an online storage option to backup terabytes of personal data, but problems arise with security and protection of my content from prying eyes (like the host employees) and the case if the host goes under and sells to another host, what happens then?? Free hosting is useful but limited in space and security (security for people uploading games is optional I guess right now).

    I would never recommend your "cloud" files to ever be your main files and most updated versions.

    My random, scattered thoughts.

  • I think I figured it out in some fashion. Tinkering more and will reply back some hours later. Falling asleep......

  • Newt, This just uses one object opposed to several, right? I have been reading about those and seen others use them, but I can not find, even in the wiki, a simple example to go by. Do you have one or could point me to the way?

  • <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I mean I have an object from a JPG, called OBJECT1. Say it is a picture of the word STRONG (in a particular font/style, etc I like). Sits happy on the top of my screen. Can I make it switched with another JPG in OBJECT2? For example, say a health indicator that goes from the words STRONG and changed to WEAK. So, a trigger that changes one object image to another?