GSPforChrist's Forum Posts

  • Shindoh, I believe I see the mistakes you pointed out.

    23 is now (main, not a sub-event)

    + System: Every 15000 milliseconds

    24 is now (sub of 23)

    + Hero: Value 'Shields' Equal to 1

    -> Hero: Set 'Shields' to 0

    So every 15000ms AND shields is 1, set shields back to 0.

    That was it. Seems to work and shields last for 15s after books hits 66.

    I see where I kept setting values incorrectly with ADD instead of SET.

    Thank you.

    Now, onto making the shields actually block things!

  • I put up a current copy of it, stripped of about everything else, to show the current setup for the shield method I am trying to do.

    I have the book drop at a rate so I could collect and then time the shields.

  • This is what I have now...


    + Hero: Value 'Shields' Equal to 0

    -> Hero: Set animation frame to 1


    + Hero: Value 'Shields' Equal to 1

    -> Hero: Set animation frame to 2


    + Hero: On collision between Hero and BibleDrop

    -> System: Add 1 to global variable 'BookCount'

    -> BibleDrop: Destroy

    75 (sub event of 74)

    + System: Is global variable 'BookCount' Equal to 66

    -> System: Add 2000 to global variable 'Score'

    -> System: Set global variable 'BookCount' to 0

    -> Hero: Add 1 to 'Shields'

    And this is what I have tried with more success than anything else...

    23 (sub event of 22)

    + Hero: Animation frame Equal to 2

    24 (sub event of 23)

    + System: Every 1000000 milliseconds

    -> Hero: Set 'Shields' to 0

    I have gone this high in timing (1000000 milliseconds), but the result is always the same. The "shield" (frame 2) will flash for a split second at the first 66 BookCount mark. The second time the 66 book count comes around, frame 2 stays on and never changes back.

    The idea is to have it that the shields last for, say 30 seconds. With the shields on, I will have it that the ship is, of course, invulnerable to weapon fire, but not collisions. Not sure how to deal with this yet, as I usually stick with one problem at a time.

  • To continue this, I have just recently made my first EXE in months and realized that the background music is not included, being set for files instead of being resources.

    + System: Is global variable 'currentfile' Less than global('fileindex')

    -> System: Add 1 to global variable 'currentfile'

    -> XAudio2: Load file AppPath & "music\" & filenames (global('currentfile')) to channel 1 (No loop)

    -> XAudio2: Play channel 1

    -> tCurrent: Set text to filenames (global('currentfile'))

    + System: Else

    -> System: Set global variable 'currentfile' to 1

    -> XAudio2: Load file AppPath & "music\" & filenames (global('currentfile')) to channel 1 (No loop)

    -> XAudio2: Play channel 1

    -> tCurrent: Set text to filenames (global('currentfile'))

    Is it possible to set this up so they can be set as resources and therefore be included in the EXE package?

  • Shindoh, they were all sub-events of one another.





    Now I just have...



    7Soul, I see what you mean. I was thinking more complicated. Thinking something like Hero.Animation1 jazz had to be done, and that was confusing me. I did not think I could go simple like that. I will give your idea a try.

    Thanks, all.

  • I might have this a bit wrong, thinking how loops work in C++ than in here. I was reading in the wiki and think it might be best if I remove event 72 and 73. Is there a way to make it check if the Hero's 2nd animation is running after Xms, then switch back to the 1st animation? Something like:

    If Hero animation 2 is running for 30000ms, then switch back to animation 1.


  • I am trying to make a simple (being retro style) shield system in my space shooter. Trying to make it that while the Hero's 2nd animation is running, a timer of Xms will eventually put the ship back to animation 1. However, all I can get it to do is come on at some point after the "BookCount" trigger has already passed one or two times. Here is the text copy of the four-step event:

    (event 70)

    + Hero: On collision between Hero and BibleDrop

    -> System: Add 1 to global variable 'BookCount'

    -> BibleDrop: Destroy

    (event 71)

    + System: Is global variable 'BookCount' Equal to 66

    -> System: Add 2000 to global variable 'Score'

    -> System: Set global variable 'BookCount' to 0

    -> Hero: Set animation frame to 2

    (event 72)

    + Hero: Animation frame Equal to 2

    (event 73)

    + System: Every 5000 milliseconds

    -> Hero: Set animation frame to 1

    However, just can not get that second animation to run after the 66 BookCount, for Xms. Once I can get this working, I can then move on to what the shields should be doing.

    Thanks for any help on this.

  • I enjoy hearing, er, seeing, discussions that Classic is not dead. I have not tried any plugins yet. Need to find their locations and gander at them some time.

    Question about the one-day-in-the-future update for Classic. Will Classic come up with a notification that an update is available for download? If not, how would we all know about it? Email? Forum?

    Thank you.

  • You should use events like "every tick" or "every x seconds" to update a "countervariable" that then sets the opacity

    I tried to figure ticks on my own but not seem to yet. What is the approximate duration of a tick? One (1 tick) seems to not even execute but putting the tick on 2 does not ever execute the next command.


  • Sorry, meant Boss001, not 002:

    + System: Is global variable 'Boss001' Less or equal 0 (Boss' HEALTH)

    -> Boss001: Destroy

    -> System: Set global variable 'Mode' to 99

    -> System: Add 500 to global variable 'Score'

    I moved the score action to my trigger event for the sound:

    + System: Trigger once

    -> XAudio2: Autoplay resource "bigboom.wav" (No loop)

    -> System: Add 500 to global variable 'Score'

    Yes, that worked and the score not going on forever (assuming it does, I stopped it at 20,000,000 last time).

    I must have done something, when fixing the global variables the other week, that caused the boss scores to not end.

    It is working for now and see how it goes.

    Thank you both very, very much.

  • + System: Is global variable 'Boss002' Less or equal 0

    -> Boss002: Destroy

    -> System: Add 500 to global variable 'Score'

    -> System: Set global variable 'Mode' to 99

    For some reason, once the first boss is killed, the score keeps climbing. Never stops. Killing the enemy ships is working fine. For example:

    + Enemy003: Value 'HitCounter' Greater or equal 1

    -> Enemy003: Destroy

    -> System: Add 300 to global variable 'Score'

    The GLOBAL "score" is set up as:

    + System: Always (every tick)

    -> Text_HealthIndicator: Set text to "Health: " & Hero ('Health')

    -> Text_ScoreIndicator: Set text to "Score: " & global('Score')

    -> Text_BooksIndicator: Set text to "Books: " & global('BookCount')

    Once score hits 500 or more, that first boss comes. Once the ship is destroyed, the score continues on without stop.

    Any thoughts on this? Need to see the CAP?

    Thank you.

  • Sorry, all. Yes, I mean the Early Adopters. Really sorry about that.

    True, I can not afford it.

    Naw, drawing is nothing I can do. Thanks though.

    I was curious because, for me, unemployment and asking for help just for food and gas limits my spending. <img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Wanted to see how many other people really wanted C2 at the discount, but could not for whatever reason.

    Just a topic to see what other people had to say.

    This is in no way a post about me complaining I was laid off or anything. Just a simple question to see what other boats people are on, in, or so forth.

  • I am one. I wanted to buy the standard version, to get pass the free version's 100 event limit. Just unemployment kept me back still. Can not get gas for the car without help from the church. One day though, I might be able to get it. These past several months just were not good timing for me.

    So, just curious who else wanted to buy a license but were unable to for C2.

  • Here is tul's solution which worked.

    I just had a look at it and I don't see why you have that private variables for Text_ScoreIndicator and Text_BooksIndicator at all? They have no meaning, and they aren't used in any part of your code, apart from event 1, where it makes no sense.

    If you just change these two lines in event 1 from

    -> Text_ScoreIndicator: Set text to "Score: " & Text_ScoreIndicator ('score')

    -> Text_BooksIndicator: Set text to "Books: " & Text_BooksIndicator ('bookcount')


    -> Text_ScoreIndicator: Set text to "Score: " & global('Score')

    -> Text_BooksIndicator: Set text to "Books: " & global('BookCount')

    then everything works fine and as one would expect. Don't make it too complicated, get rid of those both pv and refer to the globals instead.

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  • Thanks. I sent you a link to the CAP file.