To continue this, I have just recently made my first EXE in months and realized that the background music is not included, being set for files instead of being resources.
+ System: Is global variable 'currentfile' Less than global('fileindex')
-> System: Add 1 to global variable 'currentfile'
-> XAudio2: Load file AppPath & "music\" & filenames (global('currentfile')) to channel 1 (No loop)
-> XAudio2: Play channel 1
-> tCurrent: Set text to filenames (global('currentfile'))
+ System: Else
-> System: Set global variable 'currentfile' to 1
-> XAudio2: Load file AppPath & "music\" & filenames (global('currentfile')) to channel 1 (No loop)
-> XAudio2: Play channel 1
-> tCurrent: Set text to filenames (global('currentfile'))
Is it possible to set this up so they can be set as resources and therefore be included in the EXE package?