cs2curious's Forum Posts

  • I was going to make my next flash game be a diablo2 style hack and slash rpg( of which i was totally prepared, and qualified to make), but then i found construct and decided to see where that would take me   ^^

    it was very alluring being that I dont know #$#@ about how to do physics/etc

  • metal_x   so dont make a crappy boring turn based system XD :P use real time combat man. ^_^

  • Newest Version of my game ^^



    *Added option to make a team game - with color coded scoreboard ( press X)

    *Added options of how many AI units to have in the game, and options of how much starting health

    *Added LIGHTNING GUN   

    * more minor AI updates

    *Cosmetic:   Fixed Score board screen / text segments

  • I was just looking at the arcade, I didnt happen to notice any RPG's

    why is this?

    not even a zelda, or a gauntlet, nothing.

  • cute, dragon sort of looks penguin shaped XD

  • so every object in the family would have a health of 0, if i wanted different things to have a different health i would have to on spawn tell them to change their health ?

  • Thanks, yes i realise i can have multiple particle effects but i would have to call each one, i like saying to just make 1 object then tell it to go to a random frame,

    if I can make sprite particle effects and not lag like heck because they arent particles thats good to know,

    keep in mind my current game is on the brink of being way too laggy.

  • erm no, things on higher layers should always be on top hence its on a different layer thats on top, isnt that the whole point of a layer?

  • dont know if i can help, i was having this problem too and it seemed to go away, things in my game didnt seem to be working either, certain bits of code not firing, like maybe i had too many on tick events

    when i got the message i would simply test again and it would work the second time

    but then it would come back when i changed something in the code, and have to test it twice again

    maybe clean up some code and it might go away,

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  • New Update

    please tell me how your computer handles the lag on this, im starting to get nervous =/ it runs a bit slow on my computer



    Added Plasmagun ( its secondary fire is the same because i havent decided what i want it to do yet)

    Added shotgun ( secondary fire is 2 mini grenades, but the graphics look like plasmagun spheres)

    Fixed enemy doesnt die glitch

    Fixed 2 unit spawning for 1 unit death glitch ( this made for very laggy gameplay)

    made Player blow up on death

    Added ingame gui- with gun slot holders, and health bar grphc

    Added wall hit sounds( when bullets hit the wall) there is only 1 sound currently

    Glitches i need to fix

    The enemies animation direction is based on his running direction, not his aiming direction ( ideally the legs will run in a different direction, than the torso is shooting/aiming)

    shotgun bouncy bullets dont angle in the direction they are moving in

    *X display the score screen is not on top of the UI text, and its hard to see

    * your kills reset when you die and kills dont display for enemies yet

  • I was going to put this in how do i, but i realized its not a how do i question:

    do particle effects lag less than sprites?

    because quite frankly I find them troublesome, and almost useless, they have 1 frame so you cant randomize animations ( hello people! its a particle effect, the whole point is to be random!)

    and secondly, you cant even control it correctly, it has all of these stats/settings and I cant even tell it to move, slow down, stop, and then fade, I find it easier to make my own ''particle effects'' with sprites,

    they also seem to come out over time instead of all at once, i dont see an option to change this anyway, it takes a good second to shoot out 8 particle effects instead of just all at once.

    (no im not talking about single shot or continuous spray)

    i mean the rate at which they come out

    so to the question do particle effects lag significantly less than sprites?

    if not id rather customize my own particle effects using sprites =/

  • ive been having several problems with CS2 trying to do the simplest of things

    1: Bouncy bullets are not acting correctly

    I set it to bounce off of solids and it goes through them

    so on collision with wall- i set to bounce off of the particular object

    so what do they do? they bounce off and dont move in the appropriate angle, the bullets start flying sideways

    even though i have it set to angle, its not bloody working!

    so they are bouncing around and not changing direction ( you can see this in my isometric shooter)

    what could be the reason for this?

    2: Layer glitch

    ok this ones ticking me off a little

    i have things on a layer (layer3)

    above things on my other layer (layer4)

    anyone want to explain this?

    do i get to kick someone in the shins for this?

    to clarify, things on a lower layer are on top of things on a higher layer =/

    wtf?! wtf!? wtf!?!

    3: ive noticed that if you reset an animation frame from the beginning it will make the sprite slightly bigger every time

    guess this one really isnt a question, just pointing it out.

  • late late late late late reply but ive been working with this and trying to figure it out

    Ok none of this is working

    id try making it both ways textvar = "|slt|slt|slt|slt|slt"

    and = "|0,slt|1,slt|2,slt|3,slt|4,slt"

    when i try this Set value pets to replace(pets, "|" & tokenat(pets, slot, "|"), "|" & slot & "," & newvalue)

    in one way it will make everything in the array to the number im changing it to and not just the slot im trying to target

    so i will end up with "|2|2|2|2|2|" and not just the slot im targeting savvy?

    and with this one replace(pets, "|" & tokenat(pets, slot, "|"), "|" & tokenat(tokenat(pets, slot, "|"), 0, ",") & "," & newvalue)

    no matter what numbers i plug in it makes the whole array 0

    and can you please reitterate on the addding on the end?


    how exactly do you put it? to just add things on the end?

  • so you can change the variable of an object through a family event?

    so if hit family, check variable for object inside family?

  • so its impossible then -.-   thats pretty lame