Cherico's Forum Posts

  • Hello!

    First, as always, sorry for my english ;)

    Second, yes, I tried the search option and yes, I found some relevant topics. But the linked .capx files don't work after all the years, so I feel free to create a new topic to ressurrect this request (please have compassion).

    I still use C2 (i know) and I want to create an coop-shooter for two players on one screen. For a darker atmosphere I want to use lights and shadows and an limited view.

    For an singleplayer game the solution is easy, but how do I realize that with two players/lightsources?

    For one player I would use an "Shadow Light" object, that is always (pinned) to the player-position. The walls and other objects use the behavior "ShadowCaster". For an limited view I use an non-transparent black layer with "forced own texture" and an sprite (pinned to player) with blend mode "destination out". I think everybody knows this solution ;)

    But when I want to do this also for player 2, the shadow from player 1 covered up player 2 and vice versa.

    How can I solve this problem?

    Thanks and greetings from Austria :)

  • So, I did it! I get what I want - thanks for your help!

  • Yes, that's also a way - you post a c3p and i open it in the free version :)

  • Okay. I will try. Maybe you can build a simple .capx for me? 😇

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I found out how to add values to an array and sort them. That's easy ;) But i can "show" this only as text - How can i sort objects (sprites) in order of the sorted array?

    For example: I have the four base-elements Air, Earth, Fire and Water.

    When i combine Earth and Fire - Lava should been created. So i add the value "Lava" to the array and sort them. But how can i create a new object (sprite) with animation "Lava" correctly between the position of Fire and Water?

    And how can i prevent of creating multiple entries of the same value in the array?


  • Greetings and hello and as always, sorry for my english ;)

    As the headline already said, I want to know how I can sort Objects alphabetical by name or ID or anything else?

    I searched the forum but the most topics are years old and included links to files don't work anymore.

    What do i axactly want to know? Hmm ... I try to build an own "Alchemy" or "Doodle God" game (I'm sure you know, where you select two elements to create something new, like "Lava" & "Air" = "Stone", etc.)

    Everything works fine but all elements have there "fix" position in the element-list, so there are a lot of empty space between the elements until you found everything. So I would like to list the researched elements among each other and when you found a new one, it will placed alphabetical correct between the others ( I hope you understand what I mean), like:






    then you research "Life" and the elements get sorted like







    Greetings from Austria and thanks for your help!



    Something I downloaded from the forums a while ago. I forgot who made it and really couldn't answer questions about it, but I hope this helps.

    Almost everything works fine and I learned a lot - thanks again.

    But how could I "check" if there are possible moves left so i can restart or display a "game over" message?

  • Thanks! That's exactly what I need (I think) ;)

  • Okay, thanks. You have to confirm my access request before i can download the file ;)

  • Hello and first, as always, sorry for my english ;)

    As the title said, I would like to know how to create an Mahjong game?

    There‘s an asset in the store, but only for C3 - I only work with C2.

    What I really want to know is, how do i check if an stone is „available“ , so not enclosed by other stones and can be selected.

    In best case one of you fabulous guys and/or girls have an complete mahjong-game/engine so I can learn from ;)

    Thanks and greetings from Austria


  • Hello, greetings and first, as always, sorry for my english ;)

    As the headline already said, I would like to know how to create an enemy-AI for top-down-games like shooters etc.?

    I try and try and don't find any solution. I search the forum but found anything that answers my question (maybe I don't see the right answer because of the huge amount of topics).

    Also in the store i can't find anything that would be the right thing for me ...

    How do I create enemies with following features:

    • wait fix/random time when player is not in sight and/or move randomly accross the map/room
    • move along to player when is in sight
    • follow the trail of the player all over the map/rooms for a specific time when line of sight has been lost
    • approaches the player untill the attack range is reached
    • attacking the player when is in attack range
    • maybe flee from the player when HP falls below a specific value (not for all kind of enemies)

    Yes ... I think that should be all i want to know.

    Thanks for your help and greetings from Austria :)

  • Thanks, but the first link is not what I'm looking for (if it even exist for C2 what I'm looking).

    The standard-particles in C2 don't have "visual" directions - the particles can move in different directions, but the sprite has always the same orientation (I hope you understand what I mean).

    But I think it's not possible to create that effect I'm looking for.

    Thanks for help.

  • Tail - Trail?! I think/hope we mean the same (as I said, sorry for my english).

    How can a particle object in C2 (!!) make this effect?

  • Hello and first, as always, sorry for my english ;)

    On the main page from the website, there are a lot of nice sections, where you get ***** of C3, like "Make Games with Construct 3", "Game Changing Visual Scripting", "Add Javascript", etc. When you constinue scrolling down, you came to the section "Ready to get going?" with this great looking goose-game.

    My question is, how do i make those (white, in the video) sparkles, wich have an tail? An longer tail, when the sparkles move faster and a shorter when they're moving slower respectively the tail changes its size depending on the movement-speed of the sparkles?

    I know the game in the video is created with C3 but can i realize that in C2 and how?


  • DinoSystem a survival/ecosystem simulation many years in the making, currently porting from C2 to C3!

    I'm very happy that this project is still being worked on - it's the most awaited construct-game for me ❤️