I followed a tutorial on YT that allows you to have a top 10 list for scores. During the tutorial it shows how you can have multiple integers listed and this wo...
I've managed to create a basic game where at 'game over' it shows the score and the high score. This works fine using Local storage. I want to be able to have i...
I'm making a little game where you fling astronauts around a solar system. Every time you miss the target with the flung astronaut, I want to show a random rank...
Currently when the player picks up an object it creates the sprite inside their inventory. I need to create the sprite (and not use animation frames for the inv...
Greetings and hello and as always, sorry for my english ;). As the headline already said, I want to know how I can sort Objects alphabetical by name or ID or an...
I would like to know how the IndexedDB name is generated for the projects (e.G. "c3-localstorage-qtd9m4wizxb"). Does this happen at the very beginning when the...
I have a family with 6 3D objects, each with a different name for their corresponding style: Light_3d_listing , dark_3d_listing , neon_3d_listing , etc. I creat...
So, I have a card object that have a default animation as a back side of the card, and each card will have an element and a power. These elements and power are...
I have a question about the name we give to anything in Construct 3, could a longer name for a variable have any impact on the game's loading speed or slowness?...
Quick question regarding SVG object. I have a project file called "Zombie" and I have a SVG object. At runtime, I load the project file using an Ajax object (ju...