Cherico's Forum Posts

  • Or you use the Persistent-Behavior as ikke2902 said. That works also perfect and you don't have to set/change any variables.

  • The Game, Graphics and Artworks are really looking great, but your goal is £40.000? Seriously?

  • You can also use the bullet-behavior for the pieces (needs less ressources then gravity and is easier to handle, i think *g*).

    Edit: Hmm... Attaching a file does not work at the moment... Use THIS LINK to download the .capx

  • Your global variable with 600 is that what i mean with "you need a time"

    When your variable is 0 (and resetting) is what i mean with "say when it's night or day"

  • What exactly you don't understand?

    You need the Time - a counter, a global value - that shows you, whats the time.

    Then you have to say, that when it's between 6am and 6pm it's day, between 6pm and 6am it's night.

    For day - or better say for the night you can use layout-effects or an dark, semitransparent layer, that will shown, when it's night.

    Thats the idea of day and night circle!

    But it would be interesting, how you did it now?

  • First, you need the "Time" (Counter, Value, Sprite with animation, whatever you want).

    Then you need a method, to "show" that's night. You can make this with Layout-Effects or a dark layer with changing opacity.

    At last you have to say, when it's night (Counter have a special value) - show Night-Layer/special Layout-Effect.

    When it's day (...) hide Night-Layer/special Layout-Effect.

    Thats the simple answer

  • Simple example:

    On Trigger (key pressed, mouse klick, whatever)

    + repeat X times (how many particles you want to have)

    = Create (Particle) on Layer(what you want) at X: random(LayoutWidth), Y: random(LayoutHeight)

    (So the particles will be created anywhere on the screen. But you can create them where you want)

    The Particles have Bullet-Movement with Speed:0, Acceleration: 500, Set Angle: No.

    For each (Particle):

    = Set Bullet Angle of Motion to angle(Self.X, Self.Y, Player.X, Player.Y)

    (so the Particles always follow the "Player-Object")

    When (Particles) overlaps (Player)

    = (Particles) destroy

    Sorry for my english

  • Update your version of C2!

    R200 is the latest stable release and you can also use it as free-version (some limitations).

  • Something like that:

  • Great game-idea!!!

    Need a little bit design-change (start-screen, game, highscores, etc.) and you can publish it for mobile devices (of course with another control *g*).

  • I made some similar effect (but physics need so much performance), just for testing the Alpha Treshold Effect.

    Your blood looks great, but can you change the background to a dark one?

    Or add a button, so user can chose between light and dark background - i'm sure it looks great on dark background! *hehe*

    The skull in the background is fantastic

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  • Hey great community!

    First, as always, sorry for my english

    I was working on my game 60Seconds, but i reworked the "theme" of that game, so now it's changed to:


    The same gamemode:

    Combine as many eyes of the same color as possible with one move - in one minute!

    The more eyes you selected, the more points you get.

    Selecting only two eyes will destroy them, but you get no points (two eyes are to easy *g*)

    With a combo of three or more eyes you get a random special eye on the screen.

    Destroying that eye, a special effect will be generetated (time-bonus, area-explosion, destroy all eyes in horizontal or vertical line, destroy all eyes of the same color or lightning effect, what destroy five other random eyes)


    • It's a pre-alpha version, so the game is not ready!
    • Only the menue have sounds yet, the game don't.
    • The first screen (grey, with version on bottom) is only placeholder. Touch anywhere to continue.
    • Also the screen after clicking on "Start Game" is a placeholder (for level-selection, i think). Clicking there on the blue button, the game will start.
    • In the menue you can change some settings in the options-menue (effect-level, blood&gore, shake, virbate, sound, hud).
    • The info-menue is also not "filled" at the moment.

    I have no Andorid Phone, so i can't test the vibrate-function.

    I hope anyone can test it on mobile device and report the performance and if vibrate works.

    Playing on a mobile browser does not have a good performance, i know - but i hope the game will rum better as native app, right?

    Thanks to all of you!

  • Search forum and tutorial section - there are many enries the the topic "Touch Control"