BluePhaze's Forum Posts

  • russpuppy Not sure, but my understanding of managed vs. unmanaged was one time purchases vs. consumables. managed is one time purchases that need to be remembered, unmanaged would be consumables that they can purchase as many times as they want. Though I am not sure if that is the same thing as the managed/unmanaged mode for the ludie object...

  • russpuppy which one were you using previously? managed/unmanaged and also were you using the cocoonjs or the new IAP object to make the calls to refresh purchases?

  • Ashley Does your IAP object call the cocoonJS API or does it use googles API directly?

  • russpuppy same here, I have yet to hear from anyone that has actually had it work yet. Have you gotten it to successfully test that an item has been purchased? I am kind of iffy on that as well since it seems like it would be a similar function.

  • Ashley any chance you can confirm if anyone has reported this option working? Either for the CocoonJS or your IAP object?

  • russpuppy I honestly haven't published the version that has that in it yet... Since I already published it as a paid game, I actually have to publish it as a separate app for the free version in order to not mess things up for those who have already paid for the current version. The other app stores don't have a trial version option like the MS store does. So if you don't go free with IAP to begin with on Google/Apple, it is hard to do so after the fact... but soon I will... I just hope it works. As a precaution I am going to store the state of the purchase as a variable and use the game save to store it so that it remembers of the IAP was purchased or not. But that still won't help for reinstalls on new devices, etc...

  • Unity is only slow if you have no development knowledge. GML is actually a bit archaic compared to C#. GML is more similar to classic C from what I have been able to tell. C# is the way to go. In the end it is as jayderyu says, one tool is not always better than the other, you have to pick the tools based on what you want to do with them. C2 has a much more user friendly quick to build system for visually creating games without code knowledge. GM has better support for exporting to mobile platforms as a native app. Unity has a much wider reach and support across more platforms but a higher barrier for entry. It just depends on what you want to do with the tools and how much effort you are willing to put in to attain the fruits of your labors.

  • On a side note, the documentation with the plugin talks about using phonegap... nobody uses phonegap. So if you are working with the Leadbolt folks, tell your account rep that they need to update this to work with CocoonJS, Crosswalk, etc... the more people that ask, the more chance it will get done. Leadbolt are missing out on a large number of potential games by not supporting CocoonJS, etc... in the plugin.

  • Random side question... Do Kongregate and Gamejolt pay for games or monetize them in any way? Trying to figure out which portals I can actually make money with.

  • Give your ball the bullet behavior and set it to bounce off of solids. You can also use the PIN behavior to pin the 3 "bounce" sprites to the trampoline so that when it moves they move with it.

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  • Because it adds additional files that are required for the .exe. Look in the folder. Also, you can get rid of the Linux, etc... folders if you don't want those versions.

  • Just a random question here (@russpuppy, ArcadEd, szymek) if you set multiple ad networks in mopub, do you have to do anything different in your logic or will it just pull from them randomly?

  • On a side note, if you look at intel's site, they have some tools that you can use to wrap up your node-webkit games into self contained .exe so that you could then sell that. YOu could also look at tools for wrapping .exe files to make full installers for them that would include serial keys, etc...

  • you can also look at the flying along template included with construct 2. Go to new project, and scroll down till you see "Flying Along". It has a horizontally scrolling background, just change the X to Y for the scrolling... or is it change the width to height... I forget but that one should give you a good idea...

  • This whole conversation... LOL... sorry... just... LOL...

    It says Blue is not allowed...

    Mine is blue... But I can't use it because blue is not allowed... is that a bug...

    No Blue is not allowed...

    Oh... but mines Blue... Can I use it...

    No... It's Blue...