BluePhaze's Forum Posts

  • 33miles Store it as 2 variables, one for the X and one for the Y. Then you can set the X and Y of the block using the two variables.

    Block.X = VariableA

    BLock.Y = VariableB

  • You have a solid behavior on both objects, disable it on one of them when the objects collide or even better when overlapping so that they can pass through each other...

  • SuperMoi do you have the game set to test mode in C2 before exporting it as a WP8 app?

  • L3mon I am honestly not sure, I have had nothing but issues trying to update the name so far. Anything outside of the manifest seems to break it.

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  • L3mon If you do a search and replace in Visual Studio to update the name from the default it seems to break just about everything. If you just do the changes to the manifest you should be fine. When you test your app on your phone just check that the name, etc... show up correctly.

  • Letterbox causes black strips on the screen which tends to get games and apps rejected. Try Scale Inner (that is what I always use...)

  • when scrolling side to side set a variable, have the scroll up/down event check that variable as one of it's conditions.

  • Look up the tutorials/posts on auto tiling or randomly generated levels and you will get a good idea of how to do this with arrays.

  • You can keep your globals if you want, just copy the value from the instance variable into it when the layout starts.

    I have an invisible object called LevelGoal at the end of each layout. When the player touches it, I have a condition that reads the instance variables from it. I also have global variables for the high score for each level, the number of gems for each level and if the level was beaten.

    When the user touches(collides with) the LevelGoal sprite, I check to see if the current level score is greater than the current levels score and if so I copy it into the global variable to replace the old high score. I also Set the Variable for if the level was beaten to yes. This is important because in my game a level can only be unlocked if the level before it has been beaten.

    On my level select screen I have code that looks at the state of if certain levels were beaten for other things as well, for example in my game every 4 levels beaten you learn a new ability. So by tracking if level 4,8,12 are beaten I can control what abilities the player has. This also means that once they have beaten those levels, they can go back and play them with their new moves since I track that those moves are now unlocked for them to use.

    This is just an example of how I do things and may not be the best or most efficient but it gives me a system that I can easily understand exactly where a player is in the game and what they have done.

    Also by storing the stats in globals I can do other things, for example my system of awarding medals to players is based on looking at a combination of how many gems they found in the level as well as their score. My level select screen then uses this to properly display what medal they have been awarded for that level (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, etc...).

  • as stated above, when the game is not running in a browser you can't call the open url action, you have to call the open in new window actions as that tells it to launch a browser. Otherwise there is no browser for it to open the link in.

  • The variable is an instance variable, you create it once on the sprite and all instances would instantly have it. You just set it to the current X,Y coordinates of the instance. You could do this with one for each loop, for each object A > Set objectA.Variable to objectA.X, ObjectA.Y

    Something like that would do all of them at once. Then when you click, you just read that variable from the sprite you clicked on.

  • Doc Ai I can't think of a good way (other than arrays) of defining an area of objects. Unless you take one large image, add a bunch of image points, and then when you bring it on screen pin all the other sprites to the image points... but that may hurt performance as your large image/sprite would eat up a good deal of screen real estate... unless it is set to invisible which might just work...

  • PixelRebirth skyhunter93 bilgekaan Have any of you managed to get this working and have it successfully submitted to them? I am in contact with them, but before I submit I want to make sure that it actually works :)

  • when you click on the block, copy it's UID to a variable (SelectedBlock). When you click on an empty block copy it's UID to a variable (EmptyBlock). After your click move SelectedBLock to EmptyBlock. Or you could just capture their X,Y coordinates. So On click empty block store the X,Y in the emptyBlock variable, and on click the SelectedBlock copy it's X,Y. to the SelectedBlock variable. Then just set selecteblocks X,Y to the coordinates stored in emptyBlock.

    You would also need to check if you can move to that square though.

  • On collision with objectX disable Solid on objectY? something like that...