READ ME - LeadBolt Android/iOS Construct 2 library
Version 1.0 date: 2013-11-25
This zip package provides a plugin (Leadbolt banner) and a behavior (Leadbolt overlay) component to allow Construct 2 users on Android/iOS to include the LeadBolt SDK within their Applications. The banner plugin provides a HTML based App Banner and the overlay behavior adds a clickable behavior for HTML based App Overlay into existing objects.
1. You must have a LeadBolt app publisher account (
2. You must have accessed your leadbolt account to register your android app and have created ads, retrieved the relevant section ids.
3. From the help/faq section of the leadbolt portal, you must have downloaded the latest (version 6.1 and above) LeadBolt Android/iOS publisher SDK.
Integration - App Banner (HTML)
1. Unzip and copy the LeadBolt plugin (leadboltbanner) and behavior (leadboltoverlay) folder into your Construct 2's system folder (refer to the
2. Reopen the Construct 2 IDE, add the Leadbolt banner plugin into your layout and set its section id obtained from your App Banner (HTML) section.
3. Add the Leadbolt overlay behavoir into your objects and set its section id obtained from your App Overlay (HTML) section.
Integration - SDK
To Integrate LeadBolt SDK Ad Types into your Construct 2 App, do the following:
1. Export the project for your target mobile platform (Phonegap) and follow the Phonegap's instruction to build your app.
2. If you want to use Leadbolt's App Ad, App Audio and Re-Engagement, refer to Leadbolt's PhoneGap readme file.
Going Live
Once your app is working you can now go-live with real ads.
1. Access the LeadBolt publisher portal and for your app click the go-live button if present.
2. Your app will be submited for approval and once approved will receive live ads.