ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • jojoe

    That pricing is for pro. You can see the licensing here

    Now I don't want this to turn into a C2 versus unity debate. C2 is by far the best HTML5 game editor out there in my opinion. I love Scirra and I know someday it will be easier to get games on mobile than it is now. I just don't want to wait. Not Scirra's fault at all.

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  • Yeah, you can publish on just about every platform now with the free version. There are features missing of course, plus there is the unity splash screen. Which we have on Ludei anyway, even as a premium member.

    I truly believe C2 is a great stepping stone in starting in game development. It has taught me so much and I don't regret for a second ever buying a business license. I just think Unity might be the next step for me as I want to go mobile.

  • It's really starting to get to me. Though I have some games published with CocoonJS, I was just hoping to do so much more. We are so spoiled with constant updates from Construct 2, it's frustrating when we get a new update from Ludei after 2-3 months and it just seems to be minor fixes.

    With Unity 4.3 (coming soon) having a native built in 2d tool set, I will probably finish up my current projects in C2 and then make the swap the Unity. I love C2 and I think it's the best game creator out there. I am just finding myself wanting to do games for mobile first.

  • It's there to allow you to test/debug your games with features that don't normally work in the launcher like Ads, in app purchases, etc.

    At least that was my understanding based on their blog post about the updates.

  • You can put them in a group and just deactivate that group when you pause.

  • When you collect the healing item do a check.

    Get healing item and add 20 to health.

    If health > 100 then set health to 100

  • Well in the capx you posted, the ladybugs are never coming in contact with an edgeMarker. Trying turning invisible off on them during your testing so you can see them.

  • jayderyu

    My games have actually ran fine on OUYA with CocoonJS builds in the past, I just didn't have controller or IAP support.

    All we really need is those 2 things.

  • Nevermind, I see what you want. Don't use the Simulate Jump, instead use vector y. Like so.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • It jumps fine for me. The W key makes the little kid jump, and arrow UP key makes the lady bug jump. Thought it seems to jump on key release, not key press.

    Is that what you mean by the bug?

  • Yeah, I'm getting a bit annoyed with Cocoon as a whole. Seems like C2 is kind of getting forgotten with Cocoon. I'm strictly switching to Ejecta for iOS. I just wish there was something similar for Android and OUYA.

    I mean I understand it's free right now, but I would gladly pay a yearly fee to use it if that meant faster updates and more features.

  • Not sure if it's been posted or not.


    Still no OUYA which really sucks.

    Any idea if the C2 plugin needs to be updated?

  • I had an app that was made in 320x480. Was never a problem on the store for a year, did many updates.

    My most recent update was rejected because of the black bars, so I had to go in and fix it.

  • Is there any objects on your layout that are not compatible with CocoonJS?

    Try to see what is on that broken layout that isn't on the others that are working.

  • In your actions you could Disable collision for the mushroom