ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for adding this to the latest beta version.

    I have been looking at this and I realise I misunderstood your first post.

    In that case, it's working as it has always worked. The On Start trigger is executed when ever the timeline starts playing, there is no distinction between starting from the beginning or being resumed.

    I think I will add a parameter to be able to decide if it should be triggered at any time, only from resume or only from the beginning.

    Can you make that file you shared public? I would like to take a look at it.

  • Bingo! Thank you.

    "Is visible" condition should be above "Pick random". You want to first pick all visible instances, and then pick a random among them.

  • I tried that, getting the same results. I did double check that spawners are in fact visible to start.

    The problem is that objects are not destroyed instantly. So the loop can still pick the spawner instance which has been destroyed. A simple solution is to check another condition, say make destroyed spawners invisible and pick only among visible instances.

    > +Repeat NumberToGenerate times
    ++Spawner Is Visible
    ++Pick a Random Spawner Instance
    Spawner: Spawn EnemyBase
    Spawner: Set invisible
    Spawner: Destroy 
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  • OK, I have been using C2/C3 for over a decade and every once in a while I seem to run into this same issue and I just can't wrap my ahead around why it doesn't work. If someone can explain to me what I am not understanding about Repeat.

    On function GenerateBases (Param: NumberToGenerate)

    +Repeat NumberToGenerate times

    ++Pick a Random Spawner Instance

    Spawner: Spawn EnemyBase

    Spawner: Destroy

    I will still get EnemyBases being spawned on the same location. I know it's user error and I am not understanding Repeat. Help appreciated.

  • Working on top down shooter where you are flying in the sky, but there is land below. I don't believe the lighting system in C3 is capable of doing shadows and lights in this way, but figured I would ask.

    For example showing the shadow of my Plane on the land below. I may end up just needing to use a sprite, but I wanted to check.


  • I have been looking at this and I realise I misunderstood your first post.

    In that case, it's working as it has always worked. The On Start trigger is executed when ever the timeline starts playing, there is no distinction between starting from the beginning or being resumed.

    I think I will add a parameter to be able to decide if it should be triggered at any time, only from resume or only from the beginning.

    Can you make that file you shared public? I would like to take a look at it.

    It should be public, it's just on my dropbox. Will it not let you download it?

    I zipped it up and put it on my ftp.

    And that is excellent news. Thank you

  • You could replace the drag drop behavior with the car behavior and just disable it on all the instances but the head. Or just set the head instance (sprite.i=0) position to the car.

    Also currently it just pulls objects together if they are farther than 32 pixels apart. You can also make it push the objects apart if you remove the max from the move at an angle equation. I think that’s what you meant by squish together when braking.

    Thanks, I'll try that.

  • Here's a behaviorless way to do it.

    First chain tries to replicate the stretch from pinning to pinned objects.

    The rest order from head to tail with an adjustable stretch stiffness.

    Might be useful or give some ideas.

    Both are great options. It looks so smooth right now as it is, I hate to mess with it. haha. But I may need to resort to one of these two options.

    R0J0hound Very elegant solution, I would need to figure out how to make it work with the car behavior as the head and the other pieces trailing behind like it does when dragging. Also make it "squish" past default when decelerating. But a great starting point. Thanks.

  • The "stretch" effect with Pin behavior is not intentional, it's basically a bug. Check out my comments in this post:

    Oh, well that stinks because it's exactly what I want to happen. If that bug ever gets fixed, I have no idea how to achieve it. Kind of wish there was a "Bungie" option for pin to go along with Rope and Bar.

    Maybe introducing Heirarchy fixed this bug. But there is no way to get that same effect with Heirarchy that I can find.

  • I'm working on a project that pins several parts together. Similar to a snake, where the head controls movement and each additional part is pinned.

    When doing this, there is an inherent "Stretch" effect that happens when speeding up and slowing down. It looks great, but my question is, is there a way to control that?

    Can I adjust how much stretch/pull I get when speeding up and slowing down?


  • I updated the project to also show something else I noticed. When I have a flag set at 1 second on the timeline, it doesn't pause exactly at one second. This might be causing another issue I am having and was curious if there was a way around this.

    So project now shows a second number that stops when the time gets to the pause point, should be 1s and at the end which is 2s.

    The end always ends up at 2s. The 1s pause can be 1.0004 or 1.0115 or something in between. Maybe I am trying to get too precise with this :).

    It's difficult to tell without looking at the project, it might be a subtle bug though.

    Looking at the code, a timeline that resumes playback from the exact same position as a keyframe, doesn't trigger the keyframe reached condition.

    I am thinking that if playback is stopped when the condition is triggered, maybe the play head does not end exactly in the position of the keyframe but just before it. If that happens then when playback is resumed, it wouldn't technically be in the same position as a keyframe so the condition might be triggered the following tick.

    That's a wild guess, I would need to look at it more closely to be sure.

  • I created a quick example project.

    Hitting start will stop the timeline and start it again.

    Resume will resume the timeline from the midway point.

    The top is a counter showing each time the ->On Started event is triggered. It is triggered when the timeline is first started and when it's resumed after being paused

    I'm thinking it's working as intended, but just not totally sure :)


    It's difficult to tell without looking at the project, it might be a subtle bug though.

    Looking at the code, a timeline that resumes playback from the exact same position as a keyframe, doesn't trigger the keyframe reached condition.

    I am thinking that if playback is stopped when the condition is triggered, maybe the play head does not end exactly in the position of the keyframe but just before it. If that happens then when playback is resumed, it wouldn't technically be in the same position as a keyframe so the condition might be triggered the following tick.

    That's a wild guess, I would need to look at it more closely to be sure.

  • Been scratching my head for a few days with this one and started to realize maybe this isn't working how I think it should. But is it a bug?

    I have a 2s time line that has a keyframe at 1 second. This keyframe has a tag of "top"

    Play Timeline with tag "boost"

    ->TimelineController: On "boost" start : Execute ACTION1

    ->TimelineController: On keyframe "top" reached : Pause "boost"

    ->On KeyReleased : Resume "boost"

    Now, what is happening is when the Resume Action is triggered, the On "boost" start EVENT is triggering again. In my mind On "boost" start what when the timeline starts from the beginning only.

    I just want to make sure this isn't a bug before moving on and fixing my code.



  • I have an object that is made up of several parts that are pinned together using the rope setting. I can't use hierarchy because I need the fluidity of the rope.

    Anyway, I have a time line created that moves some of the segments in the reverse direction the object is moving to make kind of a slingshot effect. Is there a setting in the timeline that takes into account a moving object? I made sure "Relative" option is set. Right now it doesn't appear to do anything, but the tag is triggering in my event sheet so I know it's playing.

    Hopefully I am explaining it well.


  • Sure, but how does that help the server from disconnecting randomly?