ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Quickly what I want to do is this.

    Take a snapshot of the canvas.

    Set AJAX Response to BinaryData

    Request CanvasSnapshot

    The above is all shown in the taking a screenshot example. What I want to do is:

    Create a new folder in the project under Files called screenshots.

    Save CanvasSnapshot to the above folder.


  • You need to contact the library developer about this. They need to make sure the library supports JavaScript Modules.



  • Agree, especially right now with Crypto blowing up.

    Come on Ashley :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I realize this post is rather old, but can you either of you walk through how you got this working?

    When I tried to follow this I get the same web3 error. I did double check the case.

    OK, I got it working pretty much. But I had to go into classic mode for script type. How do we get it working in module mode as classic will be removed at some point

  • excellent. Thanks Ashley.

  • New Info: If I switch the runtime to Construct 2, it minifies just fine.

  • What can be some other causes of this. Very simple project, no 3rd party addons. No javascript.

    I'm seeing this on several games, mostly ones brought over from C2. Does the error help?

  • I am just getting into crypto and blockchain and this is very exciting.

  • Yup, I do remember you for sure.

    Not working on anything too cool these days, mostly just companion apps for board games.

    you can always email me, arcaded at gmail

    As for this post,

    I think I found the issue. It was in the advanced properities option, iOS was set to legacy instead of modern.

  • So rebuilt the project from scratch just copying and pasting all the assets and events from the old project and it's working fine now.

    I have NO idea what is wrong with the other project but even stripped down to nothing it didn't work.

    Oh well :)

  • I broke down my project to nothing. Deleted everything, created a new blank layout and added 1 sprite that is a block.

    Still the same issue in Xcode. However, if I create a new project, add a few things, that works fine in xcode/simulator.

    I'm double checked all the settings, etc. At this point, I guess I just need to rebuild the project from scratch and see if that makes a difference.

    BTW, project works fine as an APK and mobile web. So I have no idea why ios is being so finicky with this project. I'll report back my findings.

  • I tried an iOS export yesterday and it worked fine.

    There's nothing meaningful I can see in that log.

    As ever it's impossible to help unless you provide more information. If you think the problem is with Construct, please file an issue following all the guidelines to make sure we can help.

    Thanks Ashley, I am trying to get some good info before reporting it. I'm starting a project from scratch adding in everything from my other project one at a time to see if I can find what the issue might be. I don't know how else to go about it.

  • I've tested on a few devices now and I am getting the same issue. Here is the xcode log.

    Here is my log. Any help is really appreciated. Ashley

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.220488-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] Apache Cordova native platform version 6.1.1 is starting.

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.220681-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.566389-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] The preference key "AllowNewWindows" is not defined and will default to "FALSE"

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.568647-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] The preference key "MediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay" is not defined and will default to "TRUE"

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.574740-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] The preference key "AllowBackForwardNavigationGestures" is not defined and will default to "FALSE"

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.574821-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] The preference key "Allow3DTouchLinkPreview" is not defined and will default to "TRUE"

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.574866-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] CDVWebViewEngine will reload WKWebView if required on resume

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.574904-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] Using WKWebView

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.575281-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] [CDVTimer][console] 0.048995ms

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.575786-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] [CDVTimer][handleopenurl] 0.075936ms

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.577137-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] [CDVTimer][intentandnavigationfilter] 1.278043ms

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.577414-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] [CDVTimer][gesturehandler] 0.063062ms

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.580737-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] [CDVTimer][file] 3.131986ms

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.582577-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] [CDVTimer][statusbar] 1.662016ms

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.583121-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 7.956982ms

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.672899-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] WF: === Starting WebFilter logging for process DC_Combat

    2021-01-06 18:59:12.672968-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] WF: _userSettingsForUser mobile: {

    filterBlacklist = (


    filterWhitelist = (


    restrictWeb = 1;

    useContentFilter = 0;

    useContentFilterOverrides = 0;

    whitelistEnabled = 0;


    2021-01-06 18:59:12.673037-0700 DC_Combat[1325:73919] WF: _WebFilterIsActive returning: NO

    2021-01-06 18:59:13.223056-0700 DC_Combat[1325:74167] Metal API Validation Enabled

  • I'm running the latest Xcode on my mac. The simulator hangs at the splash screen. Is this still a bug with the simulator or has that been addressed?

    In the past I could just submit my apps to apple despite this issue with the simulator and they would pass. However now my apps are getting rejected for the very issue I see in the simulator. It's not a complex app at all either so I am trying to figure out if it's the simulator and the apple reviewers are using a simulator to test, hence seeing the issue.

    My next step will be to buy a ios device that can run ios 14 and see if the apps works on an actual device.

    How has everyone else's experience been with xcode/ios in the last few months?


  • Just trying to keep this post alive :).

    Adding video chat to apps would be amazing, especially during this day and age with so much video conferencing.

    I had the idea after playing board games on and you can video chat with everyone you are playing with from within chrome.