ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Bingo! Thanks so much, totally forgot about that.

  • I'm using AJAX to send data to a php file on my server.

    Sending URL looks like this. ... ss=texas18

    The php file on server is this. Obviously the ***** are data I don't want to show, but the connection is working fine.

    mysql_connect("$host", "$username","$password")or die("cannot connect");
    mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die ("cannot select DB");
    //to project MySQL injection
    $myusername = stripslashes($myusername);
    $mypassword = stripslashes($mypassword);
    $myusername = mysql_real_escape_string($myusername);
    $mypassword = mysql_real_escape_string($mypassword);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE name='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'";
    	echo "Success";
    } else {
    	echo "Wrong Username or Password";
    I assumed the Echo responses are what would give me back my ajax.lastdata, but I'm getting nothing back.  Any ideas how I send data back to my ajax call?
  • With Tom's help, I got it worked out.

    It wasn't just my phone that was the problem. The problem was I had some SEO tools installed on that domain. Attracta or something, and it was causing some weird redirect on mobile.

    I've moved the games to a domain that doesn't have that installed and all is working now.

  • So for years and years I have used Host Gator for my hosting, everything has been fine.

    However, recently I can't browse to any of my HTML5 games via my mobile device. They work fine on desktop, but when typing in the exact same URL on my phone browser (Firefox or chrome) I get a File Not Found error from my website. I've tried it a few hundred times <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">.

    here is one example url.

    I've contacted Host Gator and they have no clue. Has anyone else seen this or had this problem? I might try another web host to see if the issue is fixed.

  • I'm planning on doing a weekly stream for construct 2, if you get a chance, filling out this survey will really help. Thanks.

  • I mean when dumping the data into the array.

    At some point you need to put the info into the array, and that point you can check if that value exists. Unless you do need dups at some point

  • You can also use the array Contains Value action to check if that value is already anywhere in the array.

  • ehhh will be nice when they finish this beat em up tut

    Anyone is of course is welcome to continue it. I've just been too busy with other projects to make videos. I know I keep promising to continue it, just can't seem to find the time. Hopefully someday.

  • Yeah, the ONLY thing with the old CJS is no direct admob support and that's a killer for me. It's my only reason for wanting to jump to cordova/

  • Does this mean that once you want to export your third game, you will have to upgrade and start paying monthly to export more? And than After 10 exports, you need to upgrade again? Does this also include beta exports for testing purposes?

    Or remove a project, and replace it with a new one. Which isn't a good idea if you want to update the game in the future.

  • Yeah, read that too. I did email them already, nothing as of yet.

    I've already moved over to Game Maker for my newer projects since I was able to buy the master collection on sale (the price of one splash screen removal). I'll probably just stick with the old CJS compiler to update my projects and anything new I will just create in GM.

    I'm not a big fan of monthly subscription either. I would rather just pay per project. With subscriptions I feel like I am just throwing money away for the months I don't add or update any of my games.

    I don't want to come off as a complainer. I've been behind Ludei most of they way and I think Cocoon.IO is a great platform from what I have used in beta.

    I just know a lot of people have been waiting for me to update my Udemy Course and other tutorials for Cocoon.IO, and I just don't think I will be doing it. The tutorials on the Cocoon.IO site are really good though. I'm just going to stick with C2 for creating html5 games and leave mobile developing to another game engine.

  • Solomon

    If you use a custom splash screen it will show them both.

  • Yeah, I know. But per project. In the past it was for all projects to get the splash screen removed.

    My issue right now is I have 8 projects all completed with CocoonJS, with no splash screen. If I want to convert them over to the new system I would need to drop $4,000 dollars to recompile them without a splash screen.

    I wouldn't mind paying it for NEW projects I create with Cocoon.IO, but it's a lot of money for any of my old projects I might want to update.

  • I got the email this morning that it's out of beta. I'm not sure how happy many of you will be with their new pricing structure.

    I'm ok with it, except for the splash screen removal price. I paid for that service in CocoonJS and it allowed removal for all projects. $500 per project seems a bit high on top of the monthly fee. Thoughts?

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  • Some of the publishers I worked with in the past reported issues with sounds not working on iOS devices through browser. Editing the offline.appcache file and removing the path to all the audio files usually fixed the issue.