ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I'd like to second this. Just ran into this in my current game.

    Would love not have to do the double jumping manually. Just a simple Reset Double Jump action.

  • Hello,

    > Is necessary to add the CocoonJS plugin in the C2 project or is enough with the ATP?


    Nop, it is not necessary anymore . CocoonJS just for the old cloud (or your project will crash). In addition, yesterday we updated the ATP for C2 to delete de unnecessary dependencies. When installing the plugins at the cloud, the required files will be injected in the project, so you don't have to worry about versioning. We will keep the libraries up to date.

    We are now migrating the rest of CocoonJS plugins into several ATP. It will be possible to have Facebook and Google Play at the same time as they will be different plugins. And we will keep Canvas+ special features (Keyboard, dialogs, device info) on another plugin.

    Cheers .

    Great news, thank you.

  • I use OBS as well it works great.

  • It's a ways off. Just keep making games with C2, you can import them into C3 later if you want too.

  • Yes, this had me scratching my head for a while one night. Matter of fact I think I was streaming at the time .

  • You need to generate your keystore keys yourself. ... ndroid-APK

    Just, I just signed mine while it compiled, worked fine.

    As for you scaling issue. What full screen option are you using?

    Yes, no webGL means no effects or other webGL specific behaviors. I hope it's fixed soon <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • fldr it's mentioned a few times in the last few pages of this thread. There is a problem with webGL currently. You need to turn off WebGL in C2 before exporting.

    Ludei is aware of it and is working on it.

  • Nintendo exporting is under a NDA. You can't even get the plugin for C2 without proving your are a certified Nintendo Developer.

    I don't see anyway to make a video showing that process without breaking the NDA.

  • I doesn't for me. The error has to do with the build version of Cordova it seems. I sent Cranberry my error logs and he is in contact with Ludei, so hopefully soon .

  • I don't minify script, not sure if that helps or not.

    The only configuration setting I changed from default is WebGL to off/no

  • I was able to get Admob ads working fine, but I only tried on Android, not iOS. The only plugins I have installed in Cocoon.Io are Admob for Android and Android Canvas+

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  • There is a error somewhere. You either need to get the logcat from Android Studio debugger, or from the CocoonIO launcher.

    Without that error, it's really kind of hard to help.

    Make sure you remove the Whitelist plugin from Cocoon.Io and save.

  • In Cocoon.IO. You will see it here, select it and choose uninstall Then save

  • Did you remove the Whitelist plugin from within I mentioned it a few posts back.

  • Depends on the plugin I believe.