[PLUGIN] Spilgames HTML5 Game API

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The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • Awesome, that is a huge relief.

    You are a life saver- thanks

  • Thanks, it really saved my time considerably

  • Sorry it took so long guys, but here I have a new version of the plugin:

    Spil Games API plugin 1.2 Beta

    The plugin has a property now which lets you enter the ID you get from Spilgames for your game. For the splash screen there are is a new action "Request splash screen", which does exaclty what you are guessing. Also a condition "On splash screen end", which will fire when the splash screen is done showing.

    You may disregard the older splash screen stuff. It's merely still there to not break existing projects.

    I'm labeling this still a beta because I couldn't really test the part with the ID. Any feedback on this would be great.

    I will update the first post of this thread at a later point when I can fully confirm functionality. For now grab the beta from here. Thanks!

  • awesome, thanks a lot.

    I'll let you know how it goes!

  • The app ID is being submitted fine but I'm getting a JavaScript error with all my projects now I have the new plugin:

    JavaScript error!

    An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Internet extensions

    http://localhost50000/preview_prelude.js, line 189 (col2)

    Any ideas?

  • The app ID is being submitted fine but I'm getting a JavaScript error with all my projects now I have the new plugin:

    JavaScript error!

    An internal error occurred in the Microsoft Internet extensions

    http://localhost50000/preview_prelude.js, line 189 (col2)

    Any ideas?

    No real idea for the moment. Let me ask though if you're maybe using any actions of the plugin before it is ready? You can make sure the API is ready with the "API is loaded" condition.

    I tested it before briefly in an empty project and with a game of mine and didn't get any javascript errors.

  • Hey PixelRebirth,

    Ignore that post- I think that error is nothing to do with the plugin.

    Dunno what it is though! I'll reboot and hope it goes away!

  • Has anyone else tried to use this recently?

    My current game, older game (that was submitted a while ago and passed) and the example no longer seem to work with the API Test tool.

    Edit: I'm trying out the beta now.

    I guess the latest version of the API has achievements. http://www.spilgames.com/documentation/html5/award/

    Any chance of getting that added to the plugin <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">.

  • I guess the latest version of the API has achievements. http://www.spilgames.com/documentation/html5/award/

    Any chance of getting that added to the plugin .

    Unfortunately I'm not going to develop this plugin any further. Anyone is welcome to add functionalities of course.

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  • Actually Spil is taken over development of it. They are going to let me know when it's been updated.

  • Actually Spil is taken over development of it. They are going to let me know when it's been updated.

    Any update on this? I couldn't find any news on Spil Games' website...

  • This is the latest one i have from them. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zmt7zas6ojnww ... addon?dl=0

  • Thanks!

  • Thanks ArcadEd, very helpful! Looks like both score and achievements are accessible now!

  • PixelRebirth, thanks a lot for this plugin, great job!

    I recently integrated Spil API into my game and found a small problem with the "Submit Awards":


        Acts.prototype.awardSubmit = function (type) {
            if (self.apiReady &&
                typeof self.API! == 'undefined' &&
                typeof self.API ["Award"]! == 'undefined' &&
                typeof self.API ["Award"] ["submit"] === 'function') {
                self.API ["Award"] ["submit"] ({award: type});
    this code gives a negative message "Award submitted with no value" in Test Tool.
    I use a usual [b]Browser - Execute javascript[/b]:
    [code:2h6f9w0g]"Var award = {award: 'award5'};
        // Submit the player's score
        GameAPI.Award.submit (award); "[/code:2h6f9w0g]
    and it works fine but I don't understand why the similar code doesn't work into [b]runtime.js[/b], nevertheless "submit Score" works great.
    [b]PixelRebirth[/b], in what could be the problem?
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