Piponga's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Plank Pop — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>In this popular puzzle game you need to fill Hexa fields with multi-colored blocks.</p>

    • 128 fascinating levels
    • beautiful music and sounds
    • very polished gameplay
    • responsive screen size

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Plank Pop

  • Hey. I take paid offers for programming on Construct 2 / Construct 3 / Pixi / Phaser.

    My name is Alexander. I have a lot of experience with c2.

    Some examples of my work:

    and many others...

    I like to do quality things.

    Do you have an idea and you want to make a prototype to test it in action?

    Maybe you want to port some flash or mobile game to Facebook Instant Games?

    Playable Ads?

    Clone game?

    Integrate the portal API?

    Change c2 plugin?

    Or just make some awesome game?

    Write to me and we will discuss it - contactpiponga@gmail.com

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • ? LavaNoid ?

    Hapless Arkanoid that was waiting proper time at about three years, but I was able to start it just a couple of months ago.


    Touch, mouse

    Play ?

  • byondisoft, thank you )

  • Links updated

  • ? Space Cord ?

    Pseudo 3d on construct 2 and DubStep

    Space Cord challenges you into crazy contest!

    Explore the space and collect all trophies through its energy platforms avoiding dangerous traps on your way! Try to hold on as long as possible in a space race!


    Touch, mouse

    Play ?



  • if you get an error while exporting - remove the extra brace in runtime.js (in 1.3beta)




    Acts.prototype.scoreSubmit = function(value) {
            if (self.apiReady &&
                typeof self.API !== 'undefined' &&
                typeof self.API["Score"] !== 'undefined' &&
                typeof self.API["Score"]["submit"] === 'function') {
  • This is the latest one i have from them. This is the latest one i have from them. h_t_t_ps://www.dropbox.com/s/zmt7zas6ojnwwnv/pix_spilgames1.3beta.c2addon?dl=0

    Mm, is it? I used it

  • PixelRebirth, thanks a lot for this plugin, great job!

    I recently integrated Spil API into my game and found a small problem with the "Submit Awards":


        Acts.prototype.awardSubmit = function (type) {
            if (self.apiReady &&
                typeof self.API! == 'undefined' &&
                typeof self.API ["Award"]! == 'undefined' &&
                typeof self.API ["Award"] ["submit"] === 'function') {
                self.API ["Award"] ["submit"] ({award: type});
    this code gives a negative message "Award submitted with no value" in Test Tool.
    I use a usual [b]Browser - Execute javascript[/b]:
    [code:2h6f9w0g]"Var award = {award: 'award5'};
        // Submit the player's score
        GameAPI.Award.submit (award); "[/code:2h6f9w0g]
    and it works fine but I don't understand why the similar code doesn't work into [b]runtime.js[/b], nevertheless "submit Score" works great.
    [b]PixelRebirth[/b], in what could be the problem?
  • Can I PM you about it?

    I have pm limitations. Please send me your email in pm.

  • Thanks

    Can I PM you about it?

    Yes, of course

    congrats for your first game

    This is not my first game as a whole, but this is the first on c2

  • ? UFO Run ?

    My game on construct 2. Unfortunately, performance leaves a lot to be desired

    Here begin amazing adventures of brave Ufo!

    This time having armed with rocket Ufo jet you will have to help the green hero in search of treasures among the mysterious corridors of the old castle. While controlling the power of Ufo jet maneuver among the deadly spikes and collect precious stars, increase the level hero and get



    Touch, mouse click, space, X, ?, W

    Play ?



  • 12 posts