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Basically when the player fires the arrow, a text bubble pops up. Then it gets destroyed after two seconds. Then a friends text box pops up. There will be about...

posted 5 years ago
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I've been working on a little game and I've encountered a problem; Whenever I spawn one of my AI's that uses the 'Platforming' behavior, it still has default co...

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How do I change the layout at the press of a button?
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So, like it says above, I'm not really sure how to change the layout when enter is pressed. I've tried a few different things but nothing is working.

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I am searching for hours a solution to make a rotating laser cannon to throw a single dotted line of laser, but I can't find the solution. And secondly the lase...

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A question concerning enemies in a video game.
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How can you make an enemy spaceship open fire repeatedly? This is a picture of my code and a picture of an enemy spaceship, give me some ideas so I can make the...

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I have included codes in my Event Sheet that allows the player to shoot automatically while he or she is dragging the spaceship (the sprite that represents the...

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I tried several codes to make a mothership move from the top of the screen to the bottom. But it doesn't work. I wonder if my scrolling background is causing so...

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How do I stop animation loop?
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I know this looks like a really noob question, but I've been using Construct 3 to test it's functions, but I came back to Construct 2 since I reached Free Editi...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I properly code enemy pattern loops ?
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I programmed an attack behavior for an enemy but for some reason I couldn't find yet, he goes through the intended loop a couple times and then stops working. E...

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I'm making a tower defense game where you drag towers to different tower points in order to win. When my towers are dropped they always go back to the same imag...

posted 3 years ago

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