Content tagged events

Events are Construct's main feature: instead of complicated scripting or programming languages with fiddly syntax and difficult errors, you can define how the game works using a simpler block system. The blocks are collectively referred to as events.

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How to use less events
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THis is a tutorial for who uses Construct 3 free version and needs to save events to make a better game. I hope it helps you. 1. One object for two. Normally yo...

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Events as Text
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This short tutorial covers the formatting of event sheets as text for sharing.

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Blog Post
Common mis-used events and gotchas
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Construct 2's event system is designed to be easy to use for complete beginners, not requiring any technical knowledge. We regularly talk to users via our email...

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Blog Post
Event Sheet improvements in Construct 3
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The Event Sheet is the core of Construct. It is one of the key things that distinguishes Construct from other tools, and many spend the majority of their time w...

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Blog Post
Why do events only run on one core?
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Recently on the forum it's been asked several times why Construct 2 only runs events on one CPU core. I'm not sure why it's suddenly become a hot topic, but I w...

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Blog Post
Optimising events with function binding
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Shortly after finishing the expression-to-JavaScript compiler , I realised a couple of the performance tricks we used there could actually be applied to conditi...

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Blog Post
An optimal way to write events in Construct
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Hi, been a while since my last blog post. So lately I’ve been thinking about switching engines for my game. I must admit that in a world where Unity is getting...

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Forum Topic
What's the difference between these two conditions?
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posted 5 years ago
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Hey guys, I'm trying to recreate a sonic game, but I'm stuck on the part that I get hit and drop all my rings. I made the ring dropping, bouncing and everything...

posted 5 years ago
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Can we develop an multiplayer game in Construct 3 with more than 2players. Please anyone can help me out on this with an example for more than 2players.