This is for Android users.
Well i teseted the new custom launcher... boy was it a search around the website. To get it you need to login to the Cloud Compiler; which by the way isn't easy to find either.
One there create a new project and create a new launcher with your settings. You will need to login with the new launcher.
So I put the signed version APK onto the my Ouya.
and Boo'uya. It actually ran. I was able to use over WiFi preview too boot.
Unforuntally my own game I've been working on bugged out. Claims it's the Physics behaviour.... so I removed it as it was only remaining due to legacy reasons. didn't work... but yes. it actually worked on the Ouya..
ok the down side. it seems the Focus of the application is still on the CocoonJS top let button and not the game :(