goldentreee's Forum Posts

  • +1 too

  • Oh, and by the way, a preview of the sprite sheets into Construct would be nice, to not have to export to see if everything is ok .

  • I've not read all the thread, so sorry if i say something someone already said.

    I would like a tool, or an option, to clean the projects, in code (to get rid of the global variables that are not used for example), and in the folders (to be able to get rid of all the sprites that are not used at all in the project, for example).

  • Maybe just don't minify.

    My game has a black screen too if I minify it, but no if i don't.

  • I have the same pb here.

    Sometimes C2 creates strange spritesheets.

    I have a sprite with 3 images (55x33, 63x34 and 250x72), and C2 creates a spritesheet of 1024x1024.

    It was ok until I changed one of my image in my spritesheet.

    I have that kind of problems with different sprites (for example, C2 creates 2 spritesheets of 512, even if my 4 images of the sprite are smaller than 256x256, with 3 on a 512x512, and the last one on the other).

    I think it's a bug, cause last time I worked on C2 (months ago), I never had that kind of problems.

  • Ashley : just to know, to know where i'm going with Construct, are you still working on it or do you consider it done ? (cause it's not working at my end)

    Thank you in advance for your answer.

  • At my end it's not working well.

    It loads only what it uses, but without cleaning the memory at a change of layout (in Webgl)

    Maybe i'm missing something.

    I hope it will work and I'm happy you've change your point of view about it Ashley. (by the way I can send you my caps to be sure i'm not missing something).

  • Hi.

    Maybe you can try to use "drag and drop" instead of "touch".

    I use that for all my buttons and it works very well (i use transparent buttons on top of my image of the button, and my actions are done on start drag).

    Don't know if it will work (I don't have a Samsung), but it's an alternative that works to the "touch", if the problem comes from it.

  • lennaert

    Well, as you said you're new, so maybe you have not done enough tests to see what we are speaking about, I don't know.

    First, sorry for my english mistake, but it's not "flicks" i have like Cipriux on his video, but a sort of lag. I'm not sure of the good term in english :).

    Back to the pb, it's more complicated than what you think.

    My game is running between 29 and 31 and my ipod4, which is a (very) good fps for such an old device with a more or less complex c2 game, fps i would have not reached at all without a lot of optimization work on the graphics and code.

    When i put it on my ipad2, i'm at a constant 60, most of the time, sometimes 58, with very noticable framerate falls, even if my fps is very good. On my ipad3, i'm more aound 55-57 (don't ask me why compare to the ipad2). But more than that, the fps is not "constant". I wouldn't mind to be on 55 or even 30 or 42, if it was constant, but as the game tries to always reach 60, it creates noticable lags even if you lose just 1 or 2 fps, and even if you have a "good" fps, which is commonly known as 30 and above.

    Now again, i can simplifly my game a lot to win fps, but for what i'm doing now, i can't do better that what i did i think, i've already simplified a lot my "art direction", my code, etc. A way of getting rid of that is to not use a scrolling too, but my game is based on that.

    Anotehr (good) solution would be to have the memory manager on mobiles (to be able to use bigger images, so less objects, so to win fps), but it's not here now.

    That's why i would have liked to have the ability to set the max fps at 30, as a lot of prgram about mobiles do (GS, Stencyl, Unity) to get rid of that pb, simply to have a smooth scrolling at least on newer devices, without the obligation of having very simple graphics.

    Now, I'm not the best programer of the world (if I was I would not be on that forum or using C2), i'm not the best C2 user neither, but I just thought that this option would have been nice, and I'm not the only one (with people sometimes using the soft for a long time).

    And maybe even setting the fps to 30 would have not solved that pb, I don't know, maybe i'm misunderstanding completely how fps work, but it was for people interested good to try.

    So I thank again Ashley to have tried, even if he didn't "believed" in the good purpose of it. At least he tried to satisfy a part of the users and that's very nice!

    To finish on that subject, and with all my respect, I can understand that some people think it's a useless feature, but it's not because the feature doesn't interest me for example, that i wiil go on the topic of it to say to people to be better programers, or change soft or target, it's not very helpfull :3. We have all different uses of C2, and sometimes different needs.

  • lennaert :

    Well, to me the pb with the 30/60 fps is more on newer devices than older ones.

    My game flickers a lot on my Ipad3 with fps between 55/60 for example. Even a drop for 60 to 58 is very noticable.

    That's why we are a lot asking to be able to set the fps at 30, to get rid of that, and have a stable framerate : we would prefer a stable 30 than a shaking 60, simply because people will not see they are at 30, but will see the shakes (cause there are really visible).

    On older devices, like an ipod4, i'm around 30, so i personnaly don't care on that point regarding an older device (it's more a question of optimization in that case). But maybe people concider that devices (ipad3 for example) as old ones already.

    I already uses timers for collisions, i've optimised my game a lot, i've optimized my code, but it's still there, it's not a question of code in that case i think. Of course you can get rid of that by having just 10 objects on the screen or 1 collision test in the layout (i exagerate voluntirally), but if you try to do a more complex game, it's difficult to get rid of that, if you do an action game or a platformer, and use a scrolling.

    Ashley :

    I don't understand everything because of my limited english and because it's too technical for me, but it seems that if i understand well, you will stop investigating on that. Before everything, thanks to have tried :) , but for me it's a bad news, because of what i said above.

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  • Thanks a lot Ashley to try to implement it :)

    I hope it will work well.

    I can't try it (as a lot of beta, i have a "kernell32" pb that makes me unable to open the soft), but i hope it will be implemented on the next stable realease.

    Thanks !

  • Having the choice is always the best I think, whatever is the subject.

    The more C2 has options, the more people can use it the way we want, depending on our targets and choices.

    It's there, you use it or not, but it's up to you.

    If it's non possible to do in Construct, ok, otherwise, for people developping on mobiles like me, it would be very useful.

    Also I think most casual players are far less sensitive to framerate issues than we are - I remember a few years ago crappy software-rendered Flash games staggering along with a horrible framerate still going viral all over the web... and once I saw someone on a plane playing a Bejeweled clone at 4 FPS... completely rubbish, but they didn't seem to care!

    Exactly, and that's why too they will not see that they are on 30 and not a 60 ;).

    You speak later on this thread about newer devices, but the fact is that as indies, i think we have to focus more on older devices than newer, to increase our target audience, and not to offer a bad gameplay experience to people with weaker devices. If the experience is good on older ones, it will be by consequence on newer, even if we don't unlock the full potential of the new ones.

    Whatever, if you try to implement it, it would be nice!

    (ps : i'm just concerning on mobile, so i just say this in that area)

  • Thanks Ashley.

    No link to the memory manager, i just add more instances of the same sprites, that's all, and the ram increases (a lot). But maybe what you want to say is that it's normal thats this happens with that software (cause in my head memory manager means "layout by layout loading", but maybe it's more than just that, and includes the management of the instances).

    Whatever there are no solutions to my pb, so done.

  • A last post about that and if there is no solution or answer, well, forget it, i will do with it.

    Just to detail what i have :

    My game uses 42 mo (with ejecta, 50 with cocoon, but it's not linked to my pb, ejecta has just a better use of ram) on my devices. 12 are the "base" that you can't get rid of, the rest is what i did, so around 30. My pb is that i'm only using that in my images folder :

    7x256 > 1.8 mo (spritesheets)

    4x128 > 0.2 mo (spritesheets)

    4x512 > 4.2 mo (spritesheets)

    2x64 > 0.03 mo

    8x8px > like nothing

    (if i was good in calculate the use of ram as written by Asley here :

    I'm doing nothing specific in my code, but i noticed that the more events you have, the more it uses memory too, even if it's not enormous, it's there (i have actually around 300 events in total).

    So whatever, it's just to show that my game is optimised on that point, cause it doesn't change the pb : i don't know why i'm using so much ram, and why when i re-use my graphics, or duplicate a scene, the ram increases so much, even if i don't add events.

    Ashley : can i send you my project to have a look ? Maybe i'm doing something wrong somewhere or maybe you can see what is not working ?

  • +1:

    I know it starts to be off the topic, so i will not be long, but i tried to use the URL request in empty sprites and it works very well to load an image (with effectively a slight delay), but it stays in the ram of the project once it's loaded (well, at least i din't find how to clear it from the ram if it's possible), so it's not exactly like a layout by layout loading, but it can be nice to reduce the time of the 1st loading for example.