goldentreee's Forum Posts

  • Hello.

    Here is my pb : until now i was developing a game for ipad/iphone, trying to make it universal.

    As i read in the forums, the best way to do it was to simply not put "retina on" on the ipad (cause the visual difference is very light), and to use it only on iphone, what i did.

    But the 1st of May, each app who is not retina on ipad and iphone will not be accepted on the appstore.

    It's a big problem for me, cause between the ipad 2 and the 3/4, the size is double.

    I use Scale to have a fullscreen game, but if i add "retina on" on ipads, it wiil be very complicated to design it, and i have to redo everything !

    So i wanted to know that, cause it's the only solution i can think of : is there a possibility to detect a device or a window size ?

    Like that, I can detect it, and say that for exemple that if the window size is bigger than 1024*768 (or other, to keep using the retina on the iphone 5), or if i'm on this specific device, to set the scale on the canvas, or on each layout, to set them at 2.0 for example.

    Don't know if i'm clear enough lol, and I don't have an ipad3 or 4 to try if it looks good if you use that trick (I mean, putting the scale of a layout at 2.0)

  • Late answer, cause I just had the same pb : iwanted to do a pause button, but it was working in chrome, but not on cocconjs.

    I simply used so the plugin Pause, and with it it works well :)

  • Everything is back in order with the R126 :).

  • Well, it seems there is no solution, but i have the same pb with the last since the beta R123 :/

    Everything works well if i go back to R122.

    If it continues, i will reformat my pc, cause i tried everything.

    But I notice that all the other softwares work well (photshop, cubase and co), and I have only that pb with Construct2.

    I'm on Win7 64 bits pro, on a dell laptop.

  • Thanks.

  • Don't know where to post it, so excuse me if it's not the good place :)

    I found on the forum that Construct 2 manage now a seperated loading for each layout, but Ashlety said it's not supported by CocoonJS yet.

    link :

    So i wanted to know if the person of Cocoon have the project to implement it in their soft :).

    If it is done already, excuse me, i just didn't find it yet :)

  • I will look at that, thanks :)

    Finally, i decided to rebuilt completely my level.

    I got rid of the 512 image (using 2x the same 256, not a tile because of the graphics itself) and tried to use a lot less objects.

    Now, i'm with 4 events, 8.3 mb of memory use, and 66 objects, for quite the same thing, so i succeded in dividing everything by 2 :)

    I'm very happy now, cause it works well, even if there are still some framerate falls sometimes (from 62 to 52), still when the character is not walking on a straight ground, but the fps is not heratic at all like before !

    Thanks everyone for your help, i find people here very nice, and i love that great software :)

  • hello, thanks of you for your reply! :)

    I optimised my backgroud, reduicing my memory use to 12 mb, wich is good, but changed nothing to my heratic fps.

    I have 161 objects, wich is too much so, and if i go down under 100, the "pb" is really less present, but still there. I will work on that now.

    2 things :

    I think that I realised that the Ipod4 seems to not like not straight solids : if all my solid are straight like in Super Mario for example, with angle at 0, the fps tends to not move so much, but if i do solids (like a descent of 45 degrees for example), the fps tends to fall.

    Not sure of that, but that's my impression compare to the tests i've done.

    Excuse me, I forgot to specify it : my test were on CocoonJS.

    By the way, my fps were always moving between 42 and 62, never under 30, but never stable, wich makes the games creating some kind of "pause" when the fps falls under 50 during an half second, when i try it on CocoonJS, and what is not nice when you play.

    So my questions are :

    Is it something i will have only on the test, or what i see in it is exactly what i get ?

    Last question : is it possible to force the game to play at 30 fps for example, to avoid this fps fall ?

    Thanks again for your help and excuse me for my broken english :)

  • Thanks :)

    is it too much ? i thought 16 was ok, it seems i was wrong lol.

    I'm using 1 big images for the background (512x512)

    By the way, do you know what is the limit (if there is) in the memory use for an ipod 4 ?

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  • Hello !

    I'm making a game and i test it on an Ipod 4.

    I have the last update of Construct and my drivers are updated.

    My game has this in the status bar :

    download 1010 kb, memory use : 16.1, mb events : 6.

    So it's no a lot if i understood well, even for an ipod 4.

    But i have a lot of framerate falls, and more than that it's very heratic.

    My code is very simple, just making a sprite simultae right on everytrick to make it move.

    I can't see where it comes from, but in my memory, it worked better with 2 versions earlier, so maybe it can come from the 2 last updates ? I don't know, really.

    Does someone has any idea ?

    Thanks ! :)

  • Thanks Ashley, it works !

    I didn't know that, a good trick to know :)

    Thanks a lot.

  • Hello,

    Not sure if it's a bug or not :

    inside the software, when i click in an animation or tiled background on the "image format" to chose the format in which exporting my image, the window supposed to appear (the one that allows you to chose between 32-8 png or jpeg) doesnt open, and the software is blocked, as if it was waiting for me to click on the window that is not there.

    It worked twice, but for no reasons (size or format of the original image), and then stopped to work again.

    I use the last update of Construct, and i updated my graphic drivers.

    Am i the only one to have this problem ?

    Thanks !

  • Hello !

    I'm stuck with that code :

    Global number speed = 5 //frame by second

    Global number t=0 //timer variable

    Global number frameCount=3 //number of "frame" for the effect

    Every tick

    -> add to t speed*dt

    -> tiledbg1: set invisible

    -> tiledbg2: set invisible

    -> tiledbg3: set invisible

    int(t)%frameCount = 0

    -> tiledbg1: set visible

    int(t)%frameCount = 1

    -> tiledbg2: set visible

    int(t)%frameCount = 2

    -> tiledbg3: set visible

    In fact (i'm new on C2), i don't know how to enter "int(t)%frameCount", because if i go to system, compare variable (global), i can't select something different than the name of the global variables.

    I miss probably something very easy :)


    I've done it with the family version, more easy for me to understand and do :).

    Thanks a lot it works very well !

  • To do it, even if it's not perfect (but working), i created a variable for the ground.

    For example, with the value of "1" when the ground is with a value of 45 degres.

    Then, i had an action, testing when the main sprite (the collision box) is in collision with the ground, and the value of the variable : if the value is "1", the sprite is set to a 45 angle, otherwise to 0.

    It enables jump in diagonal, even if the jump is very little, but it's better than nothing, and not give the impression to the payer that the character is stuck, even if it's not very useful, as a platform game feature.

    As i'm just starting my game, i will keep in mind it's a pb in my constructiuon of levels.

    Sorry for my english, and i hope it can maybe help.

    If someone has an idea to make "real" jumps in diagonal, i wiil be happy :)

    (to resolve the pb of the hight of jump, i add in the action the thing to set the strengh of jump : for example set to 1000 when the value is "1", and to 800 otherwise. It seems to work)

  • Hello.

    I had the same pb, and as a big noob in computers, i solve it like by magic lol.

    I had ZoneAlarm, that i shut down to go back to the windows firewall to follow the tutorial : it was working well in my computer browser, but not on my ipad 2.

    So as I thought i would not working, i went back to zonealarm, and hop, it works !

    Don't ask me why, it works now, that's all i need to know :)

    (note : it started to run when having the preview not working on my ipad, just after i closed chrome on my pc. Maybe the ipad need to have at the 1st time a kind of full access, i don't know. After that, it works perfectly on both :) Yoo hoo !)