goldentreee's Forum Posts

  • That's ok, I found !

    For both in fact.

    To not have that crash, and to be able to use the last beta, you have simply to set "enable webgl" on "off" in C2.

    Like that, no more crash when you come back to the game, and you can use the last beta :)

  • Ok, i have just 1 pb with Ejecta.

    By the way, the last stable version works well, but i have the same pb that HolloThreat with the last Beta, it just simple doesn't work (same error message).

    So obviously, the best one to use for the moment if you have that error is the last stable one.

    My big pb of the moment, is that everything works perfectly with Ejecta, except one thing : when my game is running, if i push home, go back to the desktop, and return to my game, this one freezes a few seconds and crashes.

    It's maybe nothing, or a thing easy to fix, but I don't know at all how to fix it.

    I'm using the last version of Xcode.

    Does anyone else have that pb too ?

  • Sheepy : thanks.

    I completely forgot to speak about the fact that you have (of course) to specify inside xcode your dev id, or for example how to specify the screen orientations, change the name of the app, etc... but i think it's written somewhere on the Ejecta page. :)

  • Hello !

    I'm using the latest stable version (r139).

    I have 2 questions :

    1- If i understood well, now if I duplicate a frame in an animation, with the same image, without changing nothing, it is supposed to not create another image when i export my project, in order to keep memory.

    Well, it seems it's not working for me.

    I verified my spritesheets, and C2 creates a new image for the one i have duplicated.

    Maybe i misunderstood something or i am doing something badly.

    I'm using png, the images are exactly the same.

    2- I'm experiencing very bad performances with tiled backgrounds.

    I export on IOS, so maybe it's due to that support, i don't know, but using them kills my FPS.

    I had a scene made of tiles, it was running at 17. It was columns. I changed all of them (made before by tiles) to sprites, and i'm at 55-60 now. Strange.


    I had another question but i forgot it lol. If it comes back i will ask it later :)

  • Thanks for your answer, but i don't understand the "jump" part of it (maybe because of my english)

  • i will do one today, you're right, it's important people know that Ejecta is there and works perfectly for IOS :)

    edit : done :)

    sorry for my english, i've done my best, and thanks again to 0plus1 for all his great work :)

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  • Hello.

    Sorry, i don't know where to ask that.

    I just wanted to know if when you do a game, you will have the same results concerning the fps on an ipod 4 than an iPhone 4, cause the only difference i see between them is the ram, but i don't know if it has an influence on the FPS.

    So if someone has both and has already made tests, i would be happy to know :).

    I have an Ipod 4 to test my games, but not an iPhone 4.

    On the Ipad 2, i'm in a constant 60 fps, but on the ipod 4, i'm Between 45 and 55.

    So i just wanted to know if i have to expect people to have this rate of FPS on an iphone 4, or if my game will run faster.


  • I'm not working yet on Android, does someone tried the memory manager on it ? Is it working ?

    It's to know if we can expect to have it on IOS when the bugs will be corrected.

  • : thanks, very nice ! :)

  • Same problem here, i lost half or more of my FPS.

    There is clearly a pb, hoppefully Ludei will correct the bugs, I suppose it's a part of the fact of having a new version.

    I just hope that it will not take ages now to have updates, cause just right now, Cocoon is useless.

    Oh, and another pb i have with that version : if i put a tile with 50 % opacity, it appears with the value of 100 in cocoon, so no transparency for tiles for the moment it seems, at my end.

    Whatever, eventually waiting for a new version of Cocoon that works and offers memory manager, i decided to work with Ejecta on ios : there is no memory manager, but everything already works perfectly, at least, for my project (i guess it depends of what you want to do).

  • Hi everyone.

    Still working on this. Just wanted to update everyone on a different issue. I believe I've found a way to get around the ludei issue, and I'll update you on this as well, as I get closer to verifying it's a viable option. If so, the scml plugin should work with all the cocoonjs export options.

    Great !

    Sorry to be late on that (lol), i was away a long time.

    That's a fantastic news !

    It seems it's still in the pipe, but do you know when you will maybe be able to release a version of Spriter including this ? Did you hear from Ashley or Ludei ?

    Thanks for your work !

    edit : by the way, i've tried spriter with Ejecta. It doesn't work. The sprites appear, but like in C2 when you import it (like in CocoonJS in fact)

  • Lucid :

    Thanks, it works, and it's great !

    Do you think you can make one day Spriter compatible with Ejecta ? As long as CocoonJS doesn't move on that point, it would be nice to be able to use Spriter with Ejecta :)

  • lucid

    Hello, i tried for the 1st time sprinter, but when I try to import it, by drag and dropping the file (the example file on your website) into my layout, i have that error :


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Adding family with no members

    Condition: !family_->GetMemberTypes().empty()

    File: Projects\Project.cpp

    Line: 2256

    Function: void __cdecl Project::AddFamily(class std::unique_ptr<class Family,struct std::default_delete<class Family> >)

    Build: release 129 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abandonner   Recommencer   Ignorer   


    Is it because i'm doing something wrong, or because i'm using a beta version (r129) and not the last stable ?

    Thanks !

    (ps : i replaced the plugin by the one you gave the page before)

  • Hello.

    I'm not a "big experienced" user, but I suppose you found the solution : try it on your device with full screen off for example, to see what happens.

    I had pbs with example of codes too at the beginning, because some don't work, i mean, are not adapted to fullscreen scale.

  • OnzMuppet :

    Yes, i was afraid of the UDID (or something) thing : gamesalad, stencyl and gamemaker were blocked because of it, it seems everything good with C2 and Ejecta on that point, and that's good !

    Are you doing an universal app ?

    I'm quite stuck with the new rules, and don't know how to deal with the obligation of Retina (i understand it like that : i have to do it with a layout of the scene of the retina ipad, usqe fullscale, and draw on each side to match the iphone 5 too), and i don't know if it's a obligation to offer 2 sets of images, or if only one "hi-res" is enough.