LargeMarge :
Well, i'm really far away to be a specialist of xcode, but maybe it is that you have just to update Xcode : go to xcode>preferences>downloads>components and check for the updates, and be sure you have downloaded and installed everything. Be sure to have the latest version of Xcode available too (4.6.3).
Me it was written that in the tutorial's picture cause my ipod was not connecetd when i took the picture. Normally, your device appears, or a simulator, and you can chose between them.
— :
I never use the simulator, always real devices, so i can't really help you on that point. I can just say that at my end, i have no problem at all with touch controls, even on my ipod4 :). Maybe like LargeMarge, check the update section of xcode, who knows.
Good thing to know for the names ! :) (even if personnaly, i never put spaces in my names, wherever, i tend to put a "_". i took that habit when i learned some actionscript a loooong time ago lol)
For the FPS, it says in the Ejecta help page that it's not recommanded to use the simulator to know it : normaly, you will have better ones with a real devices they say, but i never verified. Maybe that's why you have strange things too by the way.