ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • rogerfgay

    If you need someone with a bit more C2 experience to help you with testing and building simple apps to test, I would be happy to help in that regard.

  • Are you testing via mobile browsers, or actually building them for specific mobile devices?

    Are you using CocoonJS for Android?

    Are you using CocoonJS or Ejecta for iOS?

    Are you using visual studio for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8?

  • Are you making a platform game like Super Mario Bros, or an infinite runner type game?

  • What games like this do is create Hit Box sprites.

    Here is a good example, the Red Box is the hit box.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Those sprites are created during the animation of the move, but are invisible sprites so you don't see them. However, they are what the game uses for collision detection. The blue boxes are where the character can be hit during that particular frame of animation.

    So in your case, say you have a 6 frame animation for your punch. In Construct you would say When Animation is at Frame 2, create hitbox sprite at the right locations (usually using an image point). When the animation is at frame 6, destroy the hitbox sprite.

    Then you just check for collision with that hitbox sprite. Make sense?

  • Does it on all my Cocoon Games too. Figured Ludei would have it fixed in their next release It's best to report it to Ludei though as it's not a construct 2 issue.

  • I'm not a huge fan of limits also. If people have the free version and want to compete, awesome. Don't limit those of us that do have the full version. I mean, does it mean I can't use families either, since those are not in the free version?

  • GeometriX. I agree, I learn so much by just putting together quick examples for people. Things I don't know how to do off the top of my head, but like the challenge of figuring it out. I also save all my CAPX thinking I may need to use that someday :).

  • CocoonJS is really your best bet for android right now. I've ran into very little issues with it.

    Make sure you are not using any objects not fully supported by Cocoon. Like buttons for example.

  • Sure, my skype is ArcadEd ;)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • elafreat

    I have two hosting accounts (one with blue host and one with host gator). I would happy to host a website if that is what you want to do. I could install wordpress or forums software and just give you admin rights. I honestly don't have the time to run the thing, but I would be more than happy to host it. I could even buy a domain name if you want.

    One domain I own that I am not doing anything with is

  • You should create a poll on the facebook page for the voting. This thread might get mighty confusing with all the copy and pasting.

  • So you have the touch object in your project now and not the mouse object. Correct?

  • Sebastian - Yes, and thank you.

  • Start: Monthly

    Completion: 1 week

    Theme: A general topic, non genre. Like baseball, moon, kitchen.

  • If you take a look at the system expressions you will see both LayoutWidth and LayoutHeight as built in system expressions.

    So, when you are ready you can set the Width of the sprite to LayoutWidth and the height to LayoutHeight.