The big pb for me with C2, even if i like that software, is not cocoon or another one, but it's that we have to use third party programs like cocoon or others to reach mobiles on ios and android, and so the experience, the support and the technology are not unified : if you don't have a pb with C2, you can have it with Cocoon, or the opposite, etc... Ludei send you to Scirra, Scirra send you to Ludei, Scirra update, but not Ludei, well, it's not very helpfull, and for example, some things very important like the "layout by layout loading" are lost in the middle.
They are alternative (Ejecta on IOS for example), but it's the community who "add" it, the team seems not really interesting in giving the users alternatives, and seems sometimes stuck with some other companies, like Ludei, i don't know why.
So I think that what is really missing to C2, to get rid of all that, for people who want to reach mobiles, is that the soft has his own exporter to Android and IOS, in order to be independant of other softs, and to unify the process, and be able to use C2 at its fullest, which is not the case now. The team adds often new exporters, like balckberry, amazon, etc.. so why not for Android and IOS ? I mean, it's nice to have a blackberry exporter, but if some have to be here and done, that are the ones for Android and IOS. I prefer quality to quantity, and i really would prefer to have the main exporters than some "second hand" ones.
At last, another thing with C2 is that a mobile is not a pc, the philosophy is different, so the problems encountered are too, and sometimes the team, even if they are very nice, doesn't seem to catch that, and some important features requested are seen like not important (like the choice of the fps for example. If Unity IOS exports in 30 fps by default, and like other soft offers you to change it the way you want, it's not for nothing - And when the answer is "it's useless", it bothers me, cause I really would prefer the team to give us the option, and see by ourself, what is best for our project, than having it deciding for us, the users, and closing doors. I prefer to have the choice, that to have a closed door to summarize.
Beside that, i love working on C2, and i'm sure that soon we will be able to create "professionnal" games on mobiles :) (and i'm realling waiting the "layout by loyaout loading" added on android and ios for that, to my opinion it will be a big step in that direction, to be able to do "big" games)