ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • No, I'm guessing Cocoon will be adding iAP support for OUYA soon. Not sure why they wouldn't have done it all at once.

  • Well, I can confirm it works with the Game Controller object.

    I created a small test project, added the controller object and compiled with the cloud compiler and ran the apk on my ouya. Voila, controller and shooting with the controller :).

    When using the 8Direction object, it defaults to the left analog stick for controls, but I confirmed that D-Pad does indeed work.

  • You can't set values of an array in the editor. It has to be done at run time.

  • I could be wrong, I just don't see a specific option in the CocoonJS Object about controllers.

    Unless the Gamepad object works with it???

  • sorry, I don't twitter at all :).

    So as far as we know right now, we have OUYA export support via CocoonJS Cloud Compiler. We don't have support in C2 for the OUYA Controller.

    Second, the CocoonJS cloud compiler does not show support for the OUYA In app store.

  • Really? Dang, I use my OUYA almost everyday. I love the little thing :). It's pretty amazing when you have 2-3 friends over too. The multiplayer games are so much fun.

    Anyway, let us know how it goes, and if you are able to get the controller working.

  • Great news. Looking forward to hearing people's experience with it.

  • Yup, that's pretty awesome. Now all we need is the plugin for CocoonJS updated for the inputs to work and in app purchases on OUYA. Or at least directions on how to do it :).

    Just looked further, no option for OUYA app store yet in the compiler, just to compile for OUYA.

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  • What are you trying to accomplish?

    The second code is doing the same thing if platform is moving or not, so why not just set animation to bounce in the main event?

    You don't need to check if an animation is playing, and another isn't playing. Obviously if JumpFall is playing, then HurtFall isn't. Not sure that is making a difference or not.

  • Nope, I try every few months just to see if there has been any improvement. Like most, games seem fine in emulator, but not on devices. *shrug*

  • That's strange. I almost want to say it's a bug, like the Greater than operation isn't working here.

    I would submit a bug report unless someone else find a solution.

  • Yeah, I do the same thing as theHen. Just leave those countries out.

  • I used gamemaker for years. I prefer C2.

  • You could also use the bullet behavior with a very slow starting speed, and setting the acceleration to allow it to speed up over time.

  • For the array index when doing a For Each you use array.curX or array.curY or array.curZ