> Well its nice to know im not the oldest one here for a change...
Same. It seems like every forum I go to everyone is way younger than me. Old people like games too, dammit . Hell, I've got consoles and game carts that are older than half the people in this thread.
Hahaha tell me about it.
There was a survey done a few years back before the "next gen" consoles were released, which showed that the average age of the "gaming" demographic was 35 years old.
I also have some old school consoles kicking around, like my NES, TG16, Mega Drive, Master System, Atari Lynx, Game Gear, and even my old C64. Unfortunately I don't have my Atari 2600 anymore, or my Dad's old Intellivision console... now THAT was some old *** **** right thar.